
Still here after all these years

Living in Gilead

Shortly before my 18th birthday, the Supreme Court of the United States issued Roe v. Wade, a landmark decision granting the right to abortion and reproductive health care to women.

“Roe v. Wade, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on January 22, 1973, ruled (7–2) that unduly restrictive state regulation of abortion is unconstitutional.”

Shortly after my 66th birthday, the Supreme Court of the United States of America overturned Roe v. Wade with the Dobbs decision, restricting abortion rights to be granted on a state by state basis.

I was at the age where it would affect me personally when the decision was issued, and it had an equally enormous impact on my generation of women.

For it freed us from the tyranny of state-imposed bodily autonomy, increased our ability to have reproductive health care and to decide on our own fertility and life choices.

I (along with many millions of other women) never dreamed that this would ever change in my lifetime. From being able to decide for one’s self if one should have or want a child to being barred and forbidden from having any right to do so at all in at 14 states and partial bans in 7.

That means for millions of child bearing age women, their ability to make conscious and life-altering decisions about their fertility is gone.

For also in those states that ban abortions, even the exceptions for the ban are not enforced.

This case happened just the other week-a woman with an ectopic pregnancy was denied an abortion because the doctors didn’t believe she was in danger and that the fetus would be viable.

“The 25-year-old college senior was told she likely had an ectopic pregnancy, a highly dangerous condition where the embryo implants outside of the uterus. Without immediate treatment, the fallopian tube can rupture — and the patient can die.”

In other cases, women have been refused an therapeutic abortion when the fetus has been diagnosed with a terminal condition and the mother would be in danger of dying as well.

“A pregnant Louisiana woman says she will be traveling out of state next week to get abortion care after she was denied an abortion for a fetus with a fatal abnormality because it still has cardiac activity. By the time she gets the abortion, Davis will have had to carry her pregnancy for 6 weeks after she made the decision to terminate the pregnancy.”

This is NOT an isolated case, either. Dozens of cases through out the country have come forth from this disastrous and inhumane Dobbs decision:

“CNN has told the stories of several women – including one from Houston, one from central Texas and one from Cleveland – and what they had to do to obtain medically necessary abortions. “

This recent decision, from the Alabama Supreme court, has ruled that embryos are considered children. One more step to slavery and stripping women of their body.

So what’s my point?

Gilead is here.

The book “The Handmaids’ Tale” was supposed to be fiction.

“The novel explores themes of powerless women in a patriarchal society, loss of female agency and individuality, suppression of women’s reproductive rights, and the various means by which women resist and try to gain individuality and independence.”

Margaret Atwood, the author, said she believed it would or could become reality because she had read of instances of it occurring.

“Atwood argues that all of the scenarios offered in The Handmaid’s Tale have actually occurred in real life—in an interview she gave regarding her later novel Oryx and Crake, Atwood maintains that “As with The Handmaid’s Tale, I didn’t put in anything that we haven’t already done, we’re not already doing, we’re seriously trying to do, coupled with trends that are already in progress… So all of those things are real, and therefore the amount of pure invention is close to nil.”[15] Atwood was known to carry around newspaper clippings to her various interviews to support her fiction’s basis in reality.[16] Atwood has explained that The Handmaid’s Tale is a response to those who say the oppressive, totalitarian, and religious governments that have taken hold in other countries throughout the years “can’t happen here”—but in this work, she has tried to show how such a takeover might play out.[17]

Now she has seen the destruction of women’s right to bodily autonomy. just as her novel played out:

“No one is forcing women to have abortions. No one either should force them to undergo childbirth. Enforce childbirth if you wish but at least call that enforcing by what it is. It is slavery: the claim to own and control another’s body, and to profit by that claim.”

How badly naive we all were in being complacent, in the face of religious zealotry and male chauvinism.

The Patriarchy is scared of women-this is how they act when we don’t stop them.

It’s time to fight back-this November, remember Roe, Dobbs and all those women who are now helpless to dictate their own lives.

Vote Blue, no matter who.

It’s time we stood up and fought back, just like we did 48 and more years ago!

The Patriarchy cannot win.

Those Who Forget History

The full actual quotation is:
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” George Santayana

Bearing witness to the Holocaust is what this article by Lucian K. Truscott IV does.

His grandfather was the general who replaced Patton in Germany after the war, and he helped oversee the care of Holocaust victims.

Read this most important article if you read nothing else today.

We cannot afford to allow Donald Trump back into office because this is how it begins…

This is how it begins

The Monsters Among Us

As you are undoubtedly aware, Donald Trump is running yet again for POTUS. He hasn’t stated specifically during his ‘rallies’ what he intends to do if he should be elected, (mostly because he doesn’t know.) but recently one of his primary staff and speech writers gave an interview to the NY Times that should scare the hell out of everyone.

It is also well known that Trump’s former main speech writer, Steven Miller, is a right wing ideologue, and racist.

He has made no bones about his thinking on the subjects of immigrants, black people, brown people or people from other countries who are not white Christians. He was an integral part of the Trump administration, and was noted for his beliefs and actions then.

Which is really very odd because he is Jewish.

You’d think that he’d be more empathetic to marginalized people, but he is a white supremacist and bigot of the first order.

To me, he physically and intellectually resembles one other noted white supremacist of past infamy: Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s primary speech writer and supporter of “The final Solution”.

During this interview:

Sweeping Raids, Giant Camps and Mass Deportations: Inside Trump’s 2025 Immigration Plans

Miller discusses the idea of putting all the immigrants who come to the US in large camps to be held without bond, bail and no legal representation or access.

“If he regains power, Donald Trump wants not only to revive some of the immigration policies criticized as draconian during his presidency, but expand and toughen them.”

In the article, it becomes frighteningly clear that Miller is dead serious about this.

He wants to round up all the ‘undesirables’ and put them into concentration camps.

This is basically what Trump wants to do, as extolled by Stephen Miller. who was and is expected to be in the next administration.

Read the entire article.

Remember who did this last? You might have heard of him.

Donald Trump is planning to be Hitler 2.0.

This is why we cannot and should not allow him near the White House in any way.

Stephen Miller is his architect for these plans and he’s going to do everything he can to make them come true.

Who knows, they might even bring back mass executions, too. Don’t laugh. There is always ‘the next step’ to be done. Once one stage is done, the next comes..and then we’re back in the 30’s and 40’s with the same results.

Why should we be scared?

With the Supreme Court that is now existing, laws could be changed. There are enough conservatives on the court to do this.

Trump has millions of people who believe he is literally the next Messiah, and will support everything he wants.

They voted for him in 2016, and 2020. They will vote for him yet again in 2024.

They will support everything he does because they believe everything he says.

He appeals to them because he hates the same people they do.

They are his ‘true believers’.

Why am I writing about this now, when the election is a year away?

Because monsters come back from the dead if we allow them to.

Let’s not allow this one to be resurrected.

Selling Fear

After having lived through the week of a mass shooting in my state, I would like some answers to some questions I have for gun owners.

I’m not trying to judge you, believe it or not. I’m trying to understand what makes you own a gun.

What kind of gun do you have? Is it just a regular pistol? Is it a hunting gun? Is it an AR-15?

Why do you have it? For hunting? For target practice? For protection?

Now, the first two reasons, hunting and target practice I can understand, living in Maine -believe it or not I’ve practiced at shooting areas before.

I was not very impressed with the idea, and I will readily admit I do not like guns very much to begin with.

They scare the hell out of me.

Which is why I think so many people own them.


People are told to be afraid of other people:



Women who are trying to take over the world.

The guy next door who looks funny at you.

The black kid who knocks on your door who is looking for another address.

You hear this from Fox News, the other media, which reports mass shootings and crime in places we don’t live in. They hammer at it constantly.

They perpetuate the fear.

They manipulate you to fear.

Fear sells.

Do you know who profits from your fear?

The NRA. Congress. Gun manufacturers. Ammunition manufacturers. Gun magazines. Advertisers in gun magazines. Gun shows. Fox “News”.

All of them are telling you to fear everything and everyone.

The ‘left wing’ taking your 2nd Amendment rights away!

The people like me who want you to not own guns!

The brown people crossing over the border from Mexico! They’re dangerous!

The guy down the street who acts funny!

The woman across the street who puts out the garbage in weird little white bags!



They literally profit from keeping you in mental shackles to your fear.

They’re making millions from your fear of the unknown.

They sell you on the idea that everyone is out to get you.

Unless you live in a crime ridden city (which is a completely separate subject) most people don’t have a lot to fear.

Look out of your front window.

Does it look like anyone is going to come into your house and rob you?

Is someone taking your guns away?

Are your kids being held hostage by strangers?

I would guess not.

Then why the hell do you live in fear of these things when they doesn’t exist?

Stop and think about it for a while.

Why do you keep yourself chained to a piece of metal that kills people?

Why do you insist that your so-called ‘protection’ is more important than someone’s life?

As I said, I don’t understand why people live in fear of things that will never happen.

It’s all about selling fear.

Stop fear from making a profit for everyone who tells you to fear everything.

Stop buying into it.

Free your life and mind from being in fear of things that will never happen.

What He Said

Today, I cannot summon up the words to say anything more than what Stephen King wrote in the NY Times yesterday.

Stephen King on Mass Shootings: We’re Out of Things to Say

Oct. 27, 2023

A river bordered by forest.

By Stephen King

Mr. King is the author of numerous works of fiction. He lives in Maine.

“There is no solution to the gun problem, and little more to write, because Americans are addicted to firearms.

Representative Jared Golden, from Maine’s Second Congressional District, has reversed course and says he will now support outlawing military-style semiautomatic rifles like the one used in the killing of 18 people in Lewiston this week. But neither the House nor the Senate is likely to pass such a law, and if Congress actually did, the Supreme Court, as it now exists, would almost certainly rule it unconstitutional.

Every mass shooting is a gut-punch; with every one, unimaginative people say, “I never thought it could happen here,” but such things can and will happen anywhere and everywhere in this locked-and-loaded country. The guns are available and the targets are soft.

When rapid-fire guns are difficult to get, things improve, but I see no such improvement in the future. Americans love guns, and appear willing to pay the price in blood.”

Becoming a Feminist

The other day I posted this paragraph on my Mastodon time line:

“I’ve always wondered how a woman becomes a feminist.
I figured it out (even though it took me a lifetime):
Live as the example you want to give other women.
Do not accept society’s dictates or demands of what ‘a woman should be/do/think/act.’
Because society doesn’t have to live your life. You do.”

In response a man (of course) replied with this statement :
“I think you become a feminist when you want to avoid any responsibility.”

To be precise I got very pissed off and told him so:
“What the fuck are you talking about?
Responsibility for what?
Avoiding responsibility for men being assholes?
Oh, that’s right-I’m responsible for men and their attitudes no matter what I do.

That’s why I am a feminist. I avoid men who think I should be blamed for what they think and do.”

After that, he replied with a couple of idiotic posts concerning Darwinian law, duty of women to reproduce, and other tripe. It was very obvious by the time I read his last post that I was dealing with a insane Christo-fascist, and I told him bluntly that I am an atheist and support Zero Population.

In the course of this ‘discussion’, I did come up with my own answer to the question that I had posted for him, which he never did answer. (He chickened out after my comment about being an atheist..)

In a couple of posts, I made my argument perfectly plain.

“A feminist is a woman who has taken responsibility for her OWN life.
I think that sums up this whole argument, doesn’t it?”

I’ve thought it over, and this is what I believe a feminist is:

A woman who takes responsibility for her own life and choices, no matter what society thinks she should do. By not having others dictate to her what she should believe, think or do, she does what is best for her self interest. If she has a child she will take responsibility to take care of that child the best she can without imperiling her own and their best interests.

“It often takes a lifetime for a woman to become a feminist, and in living a life that shapes her to become responsible for herself-I know this to be true for myself, and many others.
A woman has to fend for herself because society will not, nor will a man. As I’ve often said, “Don’t ever depend on the kindness of others because they can cut you off without a glance.

The whole exchange confirmed for me why I became a feminist:

Many men believe women only exist for making babies and keeping house.

We have to keep challenging them on their thinking and demand more respect from them.

Because there’s a lot of them out there.

The Cult Speaks

“President Trump is standing up for and defending the unheard and the forgotten who have been overrun and abused by the entrenched deep state bureaucrats who run the country at the direction of radical left-wing progressives.
He has earned the support of the public who know things will only get worse if President Trump loses his battle to protect their freedom.
The price is high but worth it.”

This was one of the comments for an article in the NY Times recently. The article discussed the finances of Trump and his campaign:

Spiraling Legal Bills Threaten Trump With a Cash Crunch

For a man who is supposedly a billionaire, Donald Trump acts like he’s poorer than Tom Joad.

Most of the comments seemed to reflect the cynicism and disbelief that he is even poor, and that he’s milking his supporters dry in an effort to stay out of prison by running for POTUS.

I, of course, did comment with a quote of this picture:

The cult is being literally taken to the cleaners in an effort to keep their particular god in power but they’re happy and willing to do so, repeatedly.

I wonder if they understand these points:

Trump doesn’t like them, he’s not supporting them, and in fact considers them losers.

They’d never get past the security at his golf clubs and the nearest they’ll ever get to him is while they’re standing on tarmac listening to him spew bile and hatred.

He considers them ‘poorly educated” and prime marks for his enduring scams.

But of course, they love him because they think he’s standing up for them!

Tell you what, I don’t think I’m gonna support a man who tried to overthrow an election and incited a insurrection.

He’s not fighting for them, or anyone else who isn’t named Donald Trump.

He’s fighting to keep himself out of prison and he doesn’t care who pays the bills as long he as he doesn’t have to spend his money.

He’s a notorious tightwad, infamous for sticking people with bills he never paid.

In fact, reportedly one of his acquaintances once said, “Trump isn’t a billionaire. He’s a clown living on credit.”

Jack Smith will probably take care to investigate whether or not Trump is again breaking the law by using campaign money for funding his legal bills and then indict him for that as well.

That will make Trump have to hire even more lawyers paid for by the cult.

The gift of the grift keeps on rolling.

I just hope the cult won’t be allowed to send him money while he’s in prison.

The rules for that are pretty strict.

The Future is Here

The news of the past week has been at best, disturbing-and at worst, scary as hell.

“Why a sudden surge of broken heat records is scaring scientists”

This story underlines and emphasizes that the hot weather we’ve been having (especially in the South) in the United States is not an anomaly-it is actually part of the bigger picture which is becoming frighteningly real now.

The world’s overall temperature is rising faster than predicted and will possibly hit the mark set by the world’s scientists for the worst case scenario for inevitable catastrophic climate change far faster than predicted.

“The world is likely to pass a dangerous temperature threshold within the next 10 years, pushing the planet past the point of catastrophic warming — unless nations drastically transform their economies and immediately transition away from fossil fuels, according to one of the most definitive reports ever published about climate change.”

March 20, 2023

This is happening now, and there’s damn little we can do ourselves to stop it..because once you hit the landmark ‘impossible’ mark, there’s often nowhere to go but up.

What can we do? I really don’t know, because I’m not the head of a country or a corporation that deals with fossil fuels.

I’m just a little person.

You are just another person.

There’s lots of us out there.

All we can do is survive the next few years as best as we can because it appears that nobody who is in charge of the countries or corporations aiding and abetting climate change gives a shit about us.

But there are things you can do personally to mitigate some of it:

Don’t have children if you’re a woman of child bearing age. Do you really want to raise a child in the forth-coming unlivable planet we called home?

Don’t buy a car unless it’s an EV.

Don’t drive a fossil fueled car more than absolutely necessary.

Don’t take plane trips. Stop flying to places where you really don’t need to be.

Stop being a tourist.

Stop buying all that electronic junk you don’t use.

Stop buying clothes you never wear but once.

Yeah, all those things but I’m sure I’ll be ignored just as much as any climate scientist has been for the last 50 years.

So all I can say is:

We brought this on ourselves.

We’ve earned this and the planet we’ve been on is now on course to be completely unlivable for most people by the end of the 2030’s.

I hope I’m dead by then. I don’t want to live in a world where only 1% of the world’s population has food, shelter or a decent life.

And don’t tell me “I told you so.”

Because I have already known this for 50 years.

Red Letter Day #2

It’s been a few months (3 to be precise) and while I don’t have a lot to say today, the headline is essentially still the same:

I didn’t even know this had happened until late last night, but I did an Irish jig and had 2 small shots of Irish Mist to celebrate.

It looks like justice is finally coming for Donald Trump.

It’s a wonderful day in the neighborhood!

Red Letter Day

This isn’t the formal, long-winded post you’re used to from me.

Because last night we heard the most wonderful news:

Trump indicted

It’s a great day in the neighborhood!

To celebrate I had a shot of Irish Mist-I’ve been waiting for this day for over 7 years and counting.

Here’s to the anticipated, looming indictments from the DOJ about the January 6th insurrection and the Mar-a-Lago documents cases yet to come.

The rule of law rules us yet!

Childfree by choice

There is a growing discussion of whether or not people should have children in many countries, including the US.

It’s been contentious, with ‘economic experts’ railing that not having children is going to destroy our economy and the world in general and pushback from couples (especially women) who say that they will not have children, and that nothing will induce them to do so.

Entire countries (such as China and Japan) have been attempting to bribe couples to have children in order to sustain their economy’s growth.

It hasn’t worked for the most part because people are becoming tired of being told to replicate themselves or face extinction.

There is no genetic, in-born “motherhood” trait in women. That lie has cost women their lives. Women aren’t always born to become mothers.

Women don’t automatically want to become mothers for a variety of reasons, and here are mine.

I’ve been child free all of my life. Unlike most women, I haven’t gotten too harassed over it, besides when my father gently asked about the idea-but at that time, he was sick with cancer and wasn’t too overly pushy about it. He knew then he wouldn’t live to see a grandchild, and I wasn’t going to perform a mommy hood experiment to assuage any guilt I might have had. (I didn’t have any, by the way).

My husband was totally supportive of the child free thing-mostly because he’d already had two daughters from a previous marriage and could not see having any more. Not once did he ever ask me to do that, nor did I ever ask him if he wanted any children. We understood one another’s stances on children.

Truth be told, I would have been a terrible mother to any child. My own childhood, while happy enough, was not anything to write home about, and I was not ever exposed to taking care of babies in my formative years, so I never had any idea what to do with a baby.

Sure, my sister had been a baby once, but I was not ever asked to change one diaper or feed her. I was not told I had to do anything for her. She was my parent’s problem, not mine.

Which in itself, was liberating. My parents did not think that I was a mini-babysitter, nor did they ever pound into my head I was supposed to get married and have babies by the dozen.

Oh, sure I had the whole childhood toy of “Wedding Dream” cut outs of a bride and groom, but nothing beyond that.

No baby stuff. So while many women were getting told what to wear during their wedding, they were also told that they had to have children to be ‘a complete woman’ to be counted as a human being.

They were taught how to diaper their baby brother or sister, how to cook something simple, or how to feed their baby brother or sister if some emergency came up so that Mom or Dad wasn’t around.

None of that for me. So I grew up believing more in myself, than marriage and babies. Sure, I’m called selfish. Can’t deny it, but I would argue that it doesn’t really matter.

However, I’m still astonished that we’re still arguing over the entire idea that women are not automatically born to be breeders or mommies-and it’s 2023.

One hundred years since women in the US got the right to vote. We still don’t have an Equal Rights Amendment because of lack of support in the states.

We have many states that have outright banned abortion, even when the procedure is legal in others-due to the overturning of Roe v. Wade last year-which I consider a legal travesty.

We have churches and institutions that tell us women have no other purpose than to have children, such as the Mormon church and the Roman Catholic church.

They don’t tell you that the US doesn’t give women any support whatsoever to raise children. The fact is that having children is extraordinarily expensive, and not getting any cheaper.

Women have the right to say no to bearing children, and many have.

But we’re not allowed to believe that we’re free to reject this lifestyle-even when we know in our souls that we cannot possibly take care of a child.

If you want valid, overwhelming proof of what happens when you force women to have children they do not want or can take care of, read the newspapers for stories of women who killed their children-and why. They’re abundant. I’ve even written about one case in this blog.

Forcing a woman to have children she has no interest in raising is a recipe for disaster. It’s the number 1 reason for child abuse and child deaths in this country.

You want to have more children? Fine, go and have them.

Just don’t force your belief in having children on those who have absolutely none to do so.

Because we’re more than brood mares for society.

We’re human beings with all of the same rights as men to live, and we demand to be treated like it.

Because child-free by choice is our right of self-autonomy.

Our ovaries will remain our private property-free of government or societal dictates.

Who knows? By having more women or couples remain child-free we might even save this planet, which is badly overcrowded with 8 billion people.

We can do without more people to add to the overload and the catastrophic changes now happening to this Earth.

This link will show you that not everyone needs to have children.

We’re too well populated to argue that women are nothing more than baby makers.


By now, we’ve all had the chance to watch that very disturbing video of Tyre Nichols’ vicious and brutal beating at the hands of 5 Memphis police officers.

I am going to confess that I did not watch it. There are many reasons why I did not, and this column will discuss why I refrained from doing so, even when it might be proper to do so.

I’m not going to excuse what those police officers did for one minute. They should have been (and were) fired, and indicted for murder.

However, they are in the eyes of the law, assumed innocent before being found guilty of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt by a jury of their peers.

I can not judge them except in my own mind.

I will not be in the jury to declare the verdict.

I do not live in Memphis, nor will I ever.

I live in another place, and while I know it is important that we all know it happened, it is not as important to see for myself what happened in all it’s gory, excruciating and horrible detail.

“Why not?”, you might ask.

If I told you that you have to watch every single example of murder ever portrayed, do you think you could do that?

Do you think it would do anything for the victim, or for you?

Would it change the outcome?

Do you think it would improve your understanding of why they were murdered?

Would it make you more sensitive to the issues?

Would it make you care more?

I happen to think that none of that would do anything to a human being except to make them more callous, more hardened to suffering and death.

Becoming insensitive to suffering is a distinct by-product of watching gruesome, horrible things for extended periods of time.

Nobody deserves to be killed or suffer like what Tyre Nichols, George Floyd or hundreds of other black men or women have suffered at the hands of police officers.

It does not change the fact that these killings have happened. It makes one angry, yes-but beyond that, (and some prosecutions) nothing much has changed since George Floyd or Breonna Taylor were killed.

We can all know this happened without having to watch it. I take the opposite stand of this opinion published in the NY Times, except for this paragraph:

We see the violence from the point of view of a perpetrator. We aren’t bearing witness so much as experiencing our own complicity, and taking account of that is perhaps where the work of watching these videos should begin.

We know who killed Tyre. We know Breonna and George are dead at the hands of police and that those who committed the crimes are now in prison for them.

We do not have to reward the magazine/newspaper/TV station with our voyeurism to know that these events happened.

Because they make money from this. Every single time you hit the video on a newspaper’s feed or CNN’s feed, it makes them money.

Advertisers pay for people reading, and watching the news.

One old line came out of the ‘yellow journalism’ back in the day: “If it bleeds, it leads”, because that is exactly how newspapers sold-by gory, gruesome pictures of events that they wanted people to see and buy the paper for.

That kind of journalism is still around, too.

All you have to do is look at any British tabloid.

Remember THE car crash? You know which one I’m talking about, I’m sure.

The British tabloids were running pictures of the tunnel crash less than 24 hours after it happened.

Some even got pictures of the dead before they were rushed to the hospital. They’ve never been published.

Which shows that the old saw is still true, and it still sells papers/tabloids/TV newscasts.

It did then and it does now.

We do not have to let the media profit from this.

We do not have to be voyeurs to know that this tragic event happened.

We do have to change the way the police conduct their business with Black drivers and to stop their relentless rage that makes so many people die when they were doing nothing at all.

Laws have to be changed.

People have to be held accountable for their actions and prosecuted for them. They should go to prison if and when they’re found guilty.

Let’s not be peeping Toms, and watch one person’s horrible death become a way to justify our most base sensations of ‘isn’t that awful?” and make us less accountable for them.

Let’s have the common decency to let the family suffer in private and not with images of their loved ones plastered all over the media in the worst time of their lives.

We have to demand justice, not merely watch injustice on TV.

Because otherwise, we’re no better than the audiences at the Colosseum, watching the gladiators fight one another to the death and cheering wildly for the event.

We’re better than that, I should hope.

Because if we’re not, we are all complicit in the crime-by merely watching it and not preventing it from happening again.

Performative Politics

Recently, I retired from work…after 43 years. I’m all done with it, and I’ve been enjoying my life .

I receive Social Security-and it’s the only income I have. Don’t be worried for me-I’m doing all right.

I can survive on this amount I get-because I worked so hard for so long, doing jobs that underpaid me, with no benefits for the majority of my working life, it’s all I do have. No pension, no 401k, no major medical, or life insurance.

These jobs weren’t in that league. Even the ones where there were benefits, I never qualified because companies don’t like giving full time hours to many people.

I was one of those people.

I’m not alone in that boat-many Americans are in the same situation, and they’re afraid of the one little tipping over that might completely swamp their boats, and they’ll be at risk from drowning.

I worked all those years to get to the point where I could retire. As recently as 10 years ago, it appeared that I would not be able to. I seriously believed that I could never afford to do so.

However, time changes everything and I’m doing all right.

Now along comes a person named Kevin McCarthy, the recently elected Speaker of the House in Congress. He’s aiming to lead that body in his power as leader of the Republicans, and I’m not too happy with him or his party.

Recently, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stated that the debt ceiling for the United States is going to be hit sometime this coming week.

That means that if the Congress (the House) does not approve raising it, there are going to be a lot of very serious ramifications.

Most of which are to do with paying the bills the United States owes, and our credit rating.

Bills like paying Social Security, Medicare, the armed forces-a lot of the ‘entitlement’ programs the Republicans are so hard against.

Now, McCarthy is saying he’ll look into the problem, and that they might get around to the solution, but nothing definite has been put into place.

As I recall the Republican party has been the one that has shut down the United States government in the past, throwing fits over the spending it does.

We won’t mention that the Republican party is the one that loves tax cuts which eat the amount of money the government can collect, but we will mention that while we’re all on hooks waiting for the House to vote to raise the debt ceiling, all the members of Congress are getting paid for doing nothing about it.

I am very pissed off at all the Republicans in the House who sit around collecting their pay, and do nothing to help the very people they were elected by to do their jobs.

What I learned a long time ago was that if you don’t do your job, you are liable to get fired.

I think it’s time for them to start doing their jobs, and start paying attention to those people who they supposedly represent-the American people.

Politics might be a sideline or hobby to them, but it sure impacts the majority of Americans right now-and for the love of god, start calling your Representative to tell them to pass the debt ceiling limit by the end of the week.

Because if you don’t, and you’re on Social Security, you might not get your check next month, SNAP benefits, Medicare, or Medicaid-because the Republican party doesn’t think you should have those ‘entitlements’ because they’re just wasted money.

Tell ya what…the only wasted money I see going out is the pay for those members of Congress who sit around and argue about who should be Speaker of the House for nearly 5 days.

And they get paid for it.

That’s not right and it sure ain’t fair, is it?

Then tell them that. Loud and clear.

Because, after all-we pay their paychecks, don’t we?

A Tale of Two Cons

As you’ve probably heard by now, Samuel Bankman-Fried, ex-CEO of FTX cryptocurrency exchange, has been arrested and is now awaiting extradiction in the Bahamas on an outstanding warrant by the DOJ for numerous securities and wire fraud.

He kinda sunk himself in by previous (after he and his company went belly up in dramatic fashion) interviews and articles that he was not to blame, but that he was incompetent and stupid-that he didn’t know what he was doing, but he certainly did not commit any crimes.

That argument did not go over well at the DOJ, so they proceeded to have a grand jury indict him, then they charged him with those crimes before he could escape total prosecution.

The funniest part of the whole debacle is that not only did Mr. Bankman-Fried believe he was innocent, but also that he would not be arrested for it.

He only lost billions of dollars, but he wasn’t to blame for it.

The DOJ was not persuaded. Thus Mr. Bankman-Fried is now residing in a Bahamian jail until his extradition to the US is done.

He faces years in prison if convicted.

That was one con.

The other con is Donald Trump, of course-the DOJ won a huge victory the other week when the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in their favor and declared that Judge Aileen Cannon did not have jurisdiction over their investigation and ordered that the entire farce be ended of Judge Raymond Dearie going over ‘special items’ that Donald Trump wanted to have removed as ‘privileged’ from the tranche of government documents seized at Mar-a-Lago during the DOJ’s search.

Trump has now run out of options to delay this investigation and it appears pretty likely that he might just also end up in prison as well along with Mr. Bankman-Fried.

Probably not in the same place, though.

The two are very similar in their natures-egotistical, convinced of their innocence and confident that they would get away with their crimes. They flaunted their attitudes and seemingly threw up middle fingers at the government.

That’s a bad thing to do. It tends to piss off the federal authorities. They don’t have a good sense of humor.

Trump has been conning people for decades, and he’s seemingly gotten away with it-except just the last week, a jury in NY found his company had evaded taxes by allowing his executives perks without declaring them on tax forms. This was a criminal case-and it’s going to impact his company negatively in the long run.

He’s also being sued civilly in NY State at the same time by Letitia James for fraud and tax evasion on a greater scale. That case has just been strengthed by the criminal one just ended.

All in all, it would seem that justice is finally coming home to roost in Donald Trump’s life-for he has finally run out of road, and he’ll be held accountable for a lifetime of taking people’s money and never returning it.

It’s funny that despite both men’s vehement protestations of innocence notwithstanding, the DOJ is finally bringing them both in to face charges. It will be a few more months for Donald Trump but don’t worry about that.

It will happen.

Because almost every criminal never is as smart as the cops that bust him.

Arrogance has a price and criminals always pay it in full.

Isn’t It Tiresome?

It would have been so nice, so pleasant and so tranquil to not have had the obnoxious boor open his mouth to speak, to say those dreadful words.

It would have been so much better if he had just listened to someone, anyone who told him to put it off, to delay the words, to not do it so prematurely.

But like the spoiled megalomaniac he is, Donald Trump went ahead and told the world what he plans to do-run for POTUS yet once again in 2024-nearly 2 years ahead of time.

He is under active investigation in 3 states. He’s being criminally investigated in two cases (by the DOJ), and his business is in on trial in New York. He’s being sued for slander and for interfering in Georgia’s presidential election.

He’s losing money of course and he’s looking to lose even more if his company is found to be guilty of tax evasion, but he’s found another source of revenue, with old friends-the Saudis, who have gone into an agreement for his name to be on the resort they’re building in Oman (wherever that is…) and it’s worth $1 billion dollars for that to happen.

He loves money, of course. It’s his teddy bear.

So he took it, and he’s got to bring in more money by running for office because he has a loyal following who give them his money no matter if they have none. They adore him for many reasons but for the one that they most follow: he’s just like them, or so they think.

Donald Trump knows this and like a good con artist is going to make sure they pay him until they’re bled dry. Then he will move onto other victims.

He likes to not only bleed them dry, but also to make them sick enough to die-that much he did for nearly 600,000 Americans when they believed his lies about Covid-19. It’s called dereliction of duty in many circles. He’s guilty of it.

He’s also in need of adulation as well. After the last 7 years, he’s lost without it. So he gloms onto anything that will make him feel important-his own social media platform (that’s going broke, and is under investigation by the SEC for certain financial irregularities) or any news organization that caters (but not so much any more) like Fox News or the New York Post, both of which have become enemies to him.

He’s losing his mojo and he knows it. After the mid-terms this year that became very apparent and the GOP has started to back away from him, because they lost the Senate (which shouldn’t have happened) but they gained the House. The purported “Red Wave” turned out to be a trickle, most of the candidates he backed lost, and the GOP is tired of him.

So he’s now out to see that everyone knows he’s still important, but it no longer matters to most people (and perhaps even his Magat crowd) because after so much losing he no longer holds the attention he used to.

He’s become boring and tiresome, just like he’s feared all of his life. He used to deride those people he knew who lost their popularity to be ‘losers’ and he’d cut them off at the knees. He’d not be seen with them.

He now is in that category and he knows the only way to be seen as a winner is to run once again and be proven right.

I don’t know about you, but a twice-impeached criminal should not be running for any office and that we should all send him the message loud and clear:

Donald Trump is unfit for office and he will never get near the White House again.

Then make sure of it by totally tuning him out.

Donnie Small Hands will eventually get the message and crawl away to lick his wounds in private.

But wouldn’t it be great if that place was in APX Florence, Colorado where they house some of the most dangerous people in the criminal justice system?

It’s be a great place for Donald Trump.

Let’s hope and pray Merrick Garland gets his way and puts that man in there for the rest of his life.

And never bothers us again,

The Turkey is Done

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m pretty pleased right now that the DOJ is going after Donald Trump. I’ve made no bones about it, actually.

Possibly you are too-after all, you have to admit the man has literally broken so many laws intentionally that it’s a wonder he’s not been put in prison to this day.

He’s a criminal, plain and simple. He even rather is proud of it.

However, his current legal situation just changed last night-when the DOJ filed a response to Trump’s motion for a Special Master to be appointed to go through the documents that they seized from Mar-a-Lago on August 8.

I read that motion, thoroughly. (and here is where you can read it, too.)

I have passing experience with reading this kind of material and I was literally gasping when I got through with it.

It is, to be fair, a devastating and scathing motion that puts an end to this question of whether or not Donald Trump has any claim to those documents they took from Mar-a-Lago.

He doesn’t.

The accompanying photograph that is included in the motion is equally devastating-it shows labeled top secret files they seized from Trump’s office at Mar-a-Lago-at least a dozen of them.

My jaw dropped when I first saw that picture.

Those documents shown in that picture were not his to take. They are the property of the US government.

They were supposed to have been in Washington, DC under lock and key.

Donald Trump has a lot of problems right now-because that photograph taken was only 1 of many that the FBI took during the search.

The FBI does take as many pictures as you’ve seen them do on “Criminal Minds”. They’re OCD about that kind of thing.

That one picture does more damage to Trump’s claim of innocence than I have ever seen in my life.

Just imagine what the rest of them must depict. After all, they took 11 boxes of seized material with them when they left.

Remember this, too :

The search that these documents came from was done AFTER his lawyers had attested to the fact on June 3 that there were no more documents to be taken.

They lied.

Trump lied.

I won’t ever be on a jury judging this but it’s pretty clear to me that if this is what happened to be in Trump’s residence and he lied about it-he’s a done turkey.

It’s a glorious day in the neighborhood.

Judgement Day

For the past 7 years I’ve been spouting off about Donald Trump in various posts, and throwing spit balls about how incompetent, stupid, ignorant and just plain criminal he is.

Just like every other person who’s written about him (at least those who do not like him), I thought that he should have been removed from the election, the White House multiple times, because he merited it.

Of course all my sputterings and imprecations came to naught, even with 2 impeachment hearings, both of which left him unscathed.

So he went, not so gentle (we are, of course, aware of Jan 6), either into that good night, taking along with him a few dozen hundred official documents that are government property without so much as a say so from anyone.

There were, by all accounts, very secret and dangerous documents, the likes of which could get people killed and missions compromised in those piles of papers inside boxes stuffed into the storage room at Mar-a-Lago.

Now, as for the reasons he took them, it’s all speculation-ranging from his claim of being able to declassify anything he wanted to (and he didn’t have that power), to ‘It’s mine because I say it’s mine, and nobody’s going to take it away from me”.

This started out so normally, too. The National Archives politely asked Trump to return those documents he seemingly took by mistake.

Numerous times.


It eventually got to the point where NARA got very upset at being jerked around by Trump and his lawyers-and called up the FBI to go get them-who, after one visit, were told that ‘that’s all there is’-by Trump’s own lawyer.

The FBI suspected this was not true before they left Mar-a-Lago on June 3, 2022 when they first visited Trump.

They tried to reason with him, until they, too, got tired of playing footsie with the purloiner in chief, got a warrant and then did a huge search of Mar-a-Lago where they found the missing 11 boxes of stuff that NARA was asking for.

Now it appears that he is truly, really, deeply fucked.

Because nearly every single box they took from the very last visit reportedly had top secret papers in them.

There is absolutely no reason on this Earth why he should have had them.


They weren’t his to take, they weren’t supposed to be removed and we’re hoping that there aren’t any more at Mar-a-Lago because right now, Donald Trump is suspect #1 in this case, and it appears that he is going to get indicted within the next 4 months-after the midterms (because the DOJ never does things like this around election time..never mind Jim Comey’s statement about Hillary’s case..).

Now, I’m not saying he’s guilty-because of course, in our system of law, one accused of a crime is always assumed to be innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by a jury of their peers, but if I know anything about the feds it’s this:

They have all the money, time, manpower and patience to do this case. They have a conviction rate of 98% in normal cases, and I have never seen anyone actually beat the federal government in their own territory.

They own the courts, they have the law on their side and they’re very, very good at their jobs.

Donald Trump is in the biggest, deepest hole in his entire life, and there’s not a whole hell of a lot he can do about it but man up and do a plea when he’s faced with the totality of the situation-which will come in due time.

This is just one of the legal cases he has been faced with-but it’s the only one that can/will put him in federal prison for the rest of his life-the other legal cases he’s dealing with are playtime next to this.

There’s also this delicious irony that caps all of this case into context:

If Donald Trump had not been so damn greedy and just left this stuff back in Washington DC, or at least returned all of it when politely asked, this would never have happened.

He’s done this to himself, full stop.

Ah, Donald, your greed has finally jammed you up.

I’ve always had this secret mantra that has never been disproved:

“Greed will get you in the end.”

And it certainly did Donald Trump.

The Feds and Trump

It is a few hours after the news that Donald Trump is under investigation for possible violations of the Espionage Act.

If you’re one of my long-time readers, my reaction to this news should not surprise you: absolute joy.

Because I’ve written time and time again that I believed (and still do) that Donald Trump is a traitor-and has proven it over and over again.

So many times that I could lose (and have) track of them all. From the time he had 2 high ranking Russian diplomats in the Oval Office in the same week he was inaugurated to just this past week when the FBI searched Mar-A-Lago in an effort to find missing files and paperwork that the National Archives had asked them to find.

Now before you go asking how I know this, I have a few questions that need to be answered (not that the feds are ever gonna answer them, but who knows?)

Why did Trump believe he had the right to take these documents? He was no longer POTUS, he could not ‘declassify’ them (only a sitting POTUS does, and not all documents anyway), and he had no earthly use for them.

Did he really need souvenirs of his stay?

What were they about, those “Top Secret” papers? Were they bargaining chips, or just merely bragging rights stuff?

Who else knew what those boxes contained? Didn’t Trump even think that maybe someone would miss them?

As a matter of fact, the National Archives did indeed miss them-and they begged for their return. Some of them did get sent back, but were in such condition that they had to be taped together because they’d been torn to shreds.

After that little incident, they got smart-they asked the FBI to intercede, and that they did. First as a friendly chat, and then with a subpoena back in June.

Trump ignored it, and them.

That was the first mistake he made in this case. It wouldn’t be the last.

He underestimated their resolve and their leader-Merrick Garland, who is the Attorney General. He seems like a mild-mannered, calm, dare I say milquetoast-type man?

Trump obviously thought he was dealing with a pushover who would roll over dead if he blew his hot air all over.

Garland personally approved the search and sent his people to do their job, which they did with all due circumspection. They were professional and courteous-even dotting all the i’s and crossing the T’s. Not one misstep.

Trump then bloviated all over his social media account about the ‘raid’ and how the feds ‘invaded his house’ and ‘blew up my safe!”, to all and sundry who took his bloviating seriously. (He shouldn’t have done that-because nobody knew it had happened except him, his lawyers and the FBI, who weren’t going to say anything. Mistake # 2.)

One rabid follower took it so seriously that he attacked an FBI office and instigated a standoff and chase, only to be gunned down. He was also rumored to have been in the Jan 6 insurrection. The feds had had him in their sights for quite a while-but it didn’t matter; he went insane and tried to attack them with an AR 15. The FBI fought back and he was eliminated later.

Trump then upped the ante by daring Mr. Garland to unseal the warrant and the property list of the search at his house. He obviously believed that Mr. Garland was just like William Barr. That was Mistake #3.

Of course he believed that Garland wouldn’t unseal those documents. It was not a done thing-no AG has ever opened a sealed search warrant! It’s unheard of!

Donald Trump had made Mistake #4 and it would prove to be the last one he would.

Mr. Garland (very angry and upset by the previous events-and defending his people) said in so many words, “Bluff called!” He wasn’t going to be cowed by anyone, least of all Donald Trump.

Then: the Washington Post later that night had had an exclusive lead story that the search had turned up Top Secret documents dealing with nuclear weapons. That was a huge, huge story. I watched that story and its’ comment section for the better part of that night and the next day.

The majority of the comments were “Lock him up” and other imprecations.

It was fun to watch this in real time that I was not the only one to feel vindicated that Donald Trump has finally met his match-because Merrick Garland had in fact done the unthinkable and allowed someone who had inside knowledge of the details to speak to the press about the search and what they found.

It was mind-blowing.

Then the warrant and list were unsealed and the truth revealed the very next day.

Donald Trump is under investigation for violations of the Espionage Act, and that’s the most miraculous thing in the world-because even one conviction of any of them can lead to 15 years minimum in federal prison for him.

That’s where we’re at, folks: a former POTUS is now standing accused of a major federal felony and accused of espionage.

And I can’t stop grinning from ear to ear.

I was right back in 2015, and I’m proved right now.

Thank you, Merrick Garland for having the balls to call the bluff of the biggest bully this country has ever seen.

You have done us a huge service.

We can’t thank you enough.

Repeat of Failure

On Friday, June 24th, 2022, the United States Supreme Court issued a ruling that struck down in its’ entirety Roe v. Wade, which was the landmark ruling that allowed women full reproductive freedom.

For nearly 50 years women have been empowered by Roe, knowing that their right to bodily self-autonomy was legally upheld.

This overturning of that law is utterly galling and insane.

It is the ultimate insult to all women. It makes us second class citizens.

I have no words that I can write that will ever express how furious, disappointed, and despairing I am right now.

I’m sure that if you’re a woman, you’re probably feeling much the same way.

With this ruling the Court has become a charade of legal fallacy and religious zealotry.

It has nothing more to do with legal wisdom than a squirrel does. It is a fraud upon the United States.

But there is one thing we can do to revenge ourselves on this court, and on all religious zealots who stand in our way:


There are midterms coming up and the Republican party is becoming cocky in thinking that they will gain seats in Congress with ease.

Let’s not allow them the right of entry.

Vote every single Republican on the ballot out of office. All of them.

The Republican party must pay for their treachery and duplicity. They must be removed from office no matter what the office, no matter who the office holder.

We must fight back. We must become full citizens again.

We can’t go back to the 18th century.

We won’t.

Don’t allow 5 religious zealots to turn us into non-persons.


In case you haven’t read it, here’s my previous column about this ruling when the draft of the opinion was made.

It’s absolutely true now.

The Slaughter Continues

There have been many, many Op-Eds written by many, many newspapers in response to the mass shooting in Texas of those 19 victims in recent days.

Many of them assign blame to a lot of factors: the GOP, the non-existent laws on gun control, easy access to guns, and the NRA, among the major reasons for it having yet happened again.

Not many of them suggest any pertinent changes to the gun laws, because (god forbid) someone would have to do something about them, and we all know the Republican Party would never dare try to do that.

But of course, I have several modest proposed rules that I think would slow down or stop these continuing massacres from happening.

I know they will appear to be insane, but this whole situation is insane. Some of them are really outlandish, but most are very workable.

We just can’t continue down this path.
We’ve had more killings of people than there have been days in the year so far.

How many bodies do we have to see before we get sick of it?

My proposed rules:

  • There will be a mandatory 6 month cooling off period between the purchase of a firearm and taking possession of said firearm.
  • Nobody under the age of 35 will be allowed to buy a gun.
  • Only women will be allowed to purchase guns.
  • Before the purchase of a gun, the potential owner must undergo a thorough psychiatric exam, a in-depth criminal background check, and become licensed to own a gun with a course in gun safety successfully completed.
  • The potential owner must put up a $1 million dollar bond to ensure that the gun purchased will never be used in a shooting of another human being. This bond must be renewed every year of ownership.
  • The NRA must be held legally and financially responsible for every fatal shooting of any civilian in the United States by another civilian. This will include those suicides carried out with any kind of firearm. Their tax exempt status by the IRS must be permanently revoked.
  • The wholesale and retail prices of any firearm sold in the United States will be increased by at least 100 % of normal retail price now in existence. For example: a gun that normally costs $600 will be increased to $1200 retail before tax. There will be heavier retail and federal taxes added to the final price.
  • The Second Amendment should be ruled as being historically moot and having no basis in modern life.
  • Holding all private firearm suppliers legally and financially responsible for any crime committed with a firearm that was purchased from their company. This includes all gun manufacturers.
  • The outlawing of the manufacture of any assault weapon in the United States. The only exceptions would be for providing weapons to the military or in special cases, LEO’s, which would be by a contractual basis only.
  • Ban importation of all assault weapons.
  • Confiscation and shutting down of dealers who carry assault weapons of any kind.
  • Shutting down gun shows. Many private dealers who display at these shows sell weapons without a background check of any kind.
  • The “Gun show loophole” is a political term in the United States referring to sales of firearms by private sellers, including those done at gun shows. Under federal law, private-party sellers are not required to perform background checks on buyers. Private sellers are also not required to record the sale or ask for identification. There are some Federal rules regarding the sales.[7] As of August 2013, 33 states do not require background checks for sales of firearms by private individuals, while 17 states and Washington, D.C., do require background checks for some or all private firearm sales.[8] This is in contrast to sales by gun stores and other Federal Firearms License holders, who are required by federal law to perform background checks of all buyers, and to record all sales, regardless of venue (i.e. private sales).

Now, as I said, these seem to be insane, but they’re based on the facts of most shootings:

  • Most guns owned are handguns.
  • Most suicides are carried out with hand guns.
  • Mass shootings are usually carried out with assault weapons.
  • Assault weapons are legally obtained by men of between 16 and 30, with no previous criminal history, but with untold mental illness, drug abuse or psychological damage in their personal history.
  • The 2nd Amendment has been bastardized to mean everyone can own a gun, which is not what I believe the original intent was-but the Heller decision made it the sole reason for personal possession of guns.
  • Private dealers at gun shows make up a huge amount of illegal gun sales in the US.

Until we decide as a nation that we can no longer watch this wholesale murder of our children and loved ones in real time every day, we will have to live with the headlines and sorrow.

I’m fucking tired of it.

Aren’t you?

Going, Going, Gone!

If you haven’t heard the news (which is almost impossible) within the past 24 hours, there was an unprecedented leaked draft of a major Supreme Court opinion dealing with abortion rights.

“The case threatening to overturn Roe is Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which centers on a 2018 Mississippi law that bans abortion at 15 weeks. The law, which was debated in front of the Supreme Court in December, directly contradicts Roe. The 1973 Supreme Court decision established a constitutional right to access abortion until a fetus becomes viable at around 24 weeks. “

If you’re a female of child bearing age, this is a very important and devastating draft.

If you’re a female over child bearing age, it’s an insult and travesty.

If you’re a religious right winger (male or female) it’s a blessing from God.

If you’re a Republican candidate for any office, it’s going to defeat you in the midterms.

If you live in the states that have proposed abortion laws in the works, this is the trigger for them to be enacted.

If you live in Texas, or Mississippi, it’s a victory for those interested in “the rights of the unborn”.

And if you’re a woman, it’s a total decimation of your right to bodily autonomy.

To say that I’m outraged is the understatement of the year. I’m beyond outraged. I’m incandescent with extreme disgust and revulsion.

I despise Samuel Alito and all of the Court’s right wing zealots who have decided to strip women in the United States of the right to their own bodies.

This is literally the worst decision this Court has ever pondered.

That a Catholic male Supreme Court justice has the unmitigated gall to write that “Roe was wrongly decided” is a slap in the face of every single woman who has ever needed an abortion.

It is reportedly agreed with by Amy Coney Barrett, who was once a ‘Handmaid” to a church group she belonged to. She’s very pleased with this decision.

It is a insult to those who have fought for women’s rights for 100 years.

It is nothing less than a rebuke to all women to dare to have any say in their reproductive health.

It’s been opined that this draft is not the final decision. If you believe that, you’re deluded.

The Court has signaled that women no longer have any right to decide what is best for themselves. We’re merely chattel to men, subject to their whims and laws.

We no longer have any say in what men think we should do. We’re second class citizens again, now.

Get back to the kitchen ladies, we’re going back to back alley abortions, and the attendant deaths of women who cannot get a legal abortion in the states which will outlaw it within 2 days of any Supreme Court ruling.

This ruling shows how voting for Republicans can impact a huge class of people who didn’t even vote.

Donald Trump had a big role in this outcome, having gotten 2 ring wing justices appointed to life-time positions on the court.

This is why he was the worst POTUS ever elected.

This is payback for being an ‘uppity woman’ for all of us who have been ‘uppity’ all of their lives.

And it’s a big middle finger to women, as well, by men who think we’re not deserving of equal status.

Imagine the Court ruling that Viagra is unconstitutional. Wouldn’t that piss off every man in the United States?

What could be next?

Possibly the right to birth control. “Griswold v. State of Connecticut”, 1965 could be ruled unconstitutional.

It is not as far fetched as you might think, now.

Because the Court has just signaled they’re willing to roll back a precedent setting ruling even when several of the justices publicly stated that they would not consider such a move.

They lied.

Are you ready to fight this on-going battle that the Religious Right has waged against us, once again?

They’re not done-they’re just getting started.

You’d best be, because if they do issue this ruling, and it becomes law, we’re back to the Stone Age in the women’s movement and we’ll have to start all over again to fight for our rights-because once Roe is over, so are all the other gains we’ve made in 100 years by default.

And we won’t go back, under any means.

This ain’t over, people.

This isn’t even close to over.

Women will have the last word.

Our bodies, our rights!

What Fresh Hell Is This?

I have always loved this quote from Dorothy Parker, mostly because it sums up most of my (if not your) life.

Always a mess, always a disaster, always and everywhere.

Although as we get older I find that the messes, disasters and problems seem to fall away-or at least they did to me.

I’ve lost an awful lot of my circle of friends and family, and that’s to be expected. Loss is a integral part of life, not ever avoided. True, it’s very sad-but everyone goes through it. It’s a universal experience.

But I’m still making new friends and not avoiding people. It’s just that I don’t go out of my way to invite trouble (in the form of people) into my life half as much as I used to. It’s easier that way.

I suppose I could be called lucky-I can pick and choose situations to be involved in.

But it’s gotten to the point where all of us are being inundated every single hour with some form of fresh hell that we’re expected to respond to.

This time, it’s Ukraine, and Vladimir Putin’s war-crime level invasion and devastation of a sovereign nation on totally spurious and fictitious grounds.

It is heartbreaking, and sobering to watch this happen in real time, but feel nearly helpless to do anything. Sure, you can send all the money you want to Ukraine, but that’s about it. We can’t fight their war, although a lot of us would do so in an instant.

And if that’s not enough, there is a new Covid variant (not yet bad enough to be called ‘of concern’) rambling through Europe, China, and Hong Kong that is raising the specter of another Omicron surge.

Just as we were about to get back to ‘normal’ you might think. However, we have to realize that Covid 19 is not going to fade away like a ghost, not going to dissipate or disappear without a trace. This virus is tough and determined to stay relevant no matter how much we’re tired of masks, vaccines or other protective measures we take to keep safe.

But it is worth that-to date the US death toll from Covid 19 is nearly 1 million. In 3 years-and that’s not even counting the ‘excess deaths’ that accrue from the people who died from complications of diseases exacerbated by the pandemic. The true toll is closer to 3 million all counted.

What a horrific number. In one country.

We can choose a lot of experiences, and we don’t always have to respond to all of them.

So it’s not so surprising when you find that an awful lot of people are choosing to not watch the news, not partake in the daily overwhelming helpless horror that we’re being subjected to.

I have tried my best to keep it on a level that I can tolerate, but in so doing, I’m not going to be a total numbskull and say it’s not exceedingly horrific and I wish it were over.

I do feel so much sorrow for those who have died in Ukraine, I do wish people would get vaccinated to avoid another surge, and that I wish the world were normal again. But it won’t be and all that’s left to do for us is watch almost helplessly from the sidelines.

That’s all we can do and we must accept the limitations of our existence in our own spheres of influence, despite our frustrated intentions.

One fresh hell at a time.

The Great Job Quit of 2021

I’m sure that by now you’ve seen and read the stories about all the people who are leaving their jobs through either quitting, retiring or downsizing their hours and responsibilities during this pandemic.

There are various names for it, but it all ends up with one very tough fact:
People are no longer putting up with jobs that demand more of them than they can give, and that’s a damn good reason for anyone to give their notice, and it covers a lot of jobs out there.

A lot of people are leaving because they can’t afford day care-this is true of women, who are now responsible for the care of their children because there aren’t enough daycare workers (who have quit because they’re not happy, either) to take care of the children; others are tired of being shafted by employers who demand their being available 24 hours a day, no flexible schedules, no raises, no benefits. Why should they stay when other jobs provide all of those?

Yet, others still are retiring in numbers not seen in recent times. I’m going to be one of them next year, hopefully.

Right now, I’m down to 3 days a week at work, on just the weekends, and that’s fine with me-I even asked for these hours. You might ask why, and I’ll be happy to tell you.

I’m 66 and my actual real retirement date was back in August.

I’ve worked every single shift I was assigned during the pandemic; I’ve been masked up the last 12 months and vaccinated (with a booster) for the last 6 months, I’m working with people who are still possibly not vaccinated, and I have to cope with the possibility that I might get a break through infection every time I work.

I’m not unhappy with my job-it’s all right as far as it goes, but it’s not my entire life. You might ask how I can afford this, and I’m going to tell you this: I can, and it’s none of your business. I lost my husband 2 years ago, and I’ve been keeping myself housed, fed and clothed ever since, without too much turmoil. I’m actually living better now than when he was alive-sad to say.

Because I didn’t ever think I’d be able to retire, before his death. I was looking at supporting both of us for the next 10 years on my income, and I’d have to put off my retirement for at least 6 years. This way, I’m only going to put it off by 1 year, and that’s because I have to pay off some major credit card debt we incurred before his death.

Yeah, it’s been a ride, and I’m going to be happy to retire, because it’s time for someone else to do my job. I’m tired and the pandemic provided me with the alternative view of what I would like to do without my job.

And it’s perfectly fine with me. I like being home. I like being able to get up whenever I want, do whatever I want without anyone else telling me how to do it and demanding my attention all the time.

That goes for the job and my personal life. The pandemic has proven itself to be extremely eye-opening and mind expanding.

Work is not all there is to life, nor should it be.

There is a saying I’ve always liked, which applies here:

“Your job will never love you.”

Apply it to your life, and see how you can improve it. I’m not saying you should quit your job willy-nilly, but take care of yourself first.

Your employer certainly doesn’t need to beyond your paycheck, but if you get benefits, good for you!

Start living your life, because it’s far shorter than you think it is.

A Syndrome of Idiocy

Once upon a time, I was a very young person, hoping to be a writer. I wrote the usual terrible love poetry (which I thankfully threw away a long time ago) and other things.

One of my oldest friends recently went through her collection of stuff she’s kept through the years, and found this very early example of my writing.

Now, before you read this, remember several things:

  1. I was only 17 when I wrote this. I had never had any liquor or even smoked. I didn’t know what pot was, and my parents kept me pretty sheltered from the outside world. In Maine, it was pretty easy to do then.
  2. My ‘writing’ was pretty unformed then-it was only after I left home that I really started to get adult ideas and opinions that sometimes I even expressed in the form of a letter to the editor.
  3. I was not stoned when I wrote this. Honestly..even though it will appear otherwise. I was playing with words, and from what I can judge, I was pretty inventive.

So, here is the earliest writing I can actually claim is my own.

Forgive any mistakes in grammar, and tense disagreement.

Hope you enjoy this bit of silliness. We all need a break from the terrible world out there.


A Syndrome of Idiocy

Two sets that have no common number are said to be in disjoint.

What is a real number? Have you ever seen a unreal number?

Really way out.

Saying “Hey, I’m a unreal number.”

What would you do if a unreal number spoke to you?

It could be kind of philosophical about being a unreal number.

Or maybe it would feel left out of things because it is a unreal number.

Then you would feel sorry for it, and it would say, “Hey, look, I don’t feel that bad.”

“Look at it this way-I’m a non-conformist, you’ve never seen me before.”

This is the only time you’ll ever see me.”

And then-its’ shape.

What would a unreal number look like?

Unreal numbers are very small, but you can see them with a magnifying glass.

It couldn’t look like a 5 or 7, cause those are real numbers.

And they would resent it very much.

What color would it be?

Black, white, purple, blue, pink, gray?

Or maybe it would be a unreal color.

One you have never heard of before in your life.

What would a unreal number do for a living?

Sit around munching Wheaties, eating grapes?

Can you see a unreal number munching Wheaties?

Whom are its’ parents?

A set of real numbers disjoint?

At least they would have something in common.

But other than that, nothing.

I once knew a set of real numbers in disjoint.

They were never made for each other.

They despised each other.

They started clawing each other when they saw each other.

The father is a member of the Mafia.

he thinks that his kid is a Communist of indefinite order.

His parents were hoping for a baby moth, and were disappointed by their son.

The father was a head hit man for the mob.

The mob had fruit flies on its’ list of whom to be wiped out.

his mother was a lady who kept computers happy by turning on their screws full blast.

Anyhow, the kid was a wanted child or number in their lives.

He got the best of everything.

He went to every dinner party for computers, dated some rational numbers who were from good families.

But when he was 2.9 quadrilateral years old, he started to date a fruit fly.

She was the daughter of a wanted fruit fly of the mob.

He knew that, but what could he do?

To top it off, he was in love with her the first time he met her.

That was a pool where she asked him where she asked him to hold her while swimming.

Her religion was Chi Square, which his was the opposite of.

He was a G major scale C note freak.

She was a very religious number who believed that D notes

screw A notes at the drop of a scale of C.

He best friend was a zombie in the natural colors of a side show.

“Vote, Vote,” he said, “For the zombie of your choice, mainly me!”

But they were in love with each other and though themselves

F. Scott Fitzgerald best thoughts.

But he had thrown them out because they were rattling around like a pair

of marbles that were greased last year.

Caterpillar consumption was his favorite sport on Saturday afternoons.

Her favorite sport was eating moth balls upside down Buddha style.

She said it made her throat better than it had been for a long time.

So one day, when all the blown minds were walking weird style,

They were fused together at the hip, but that made some problems

for when they relieve themselves.




I did not say it made any sense, did I?

What’s Your Excuse?

There is a website that I’ve been watching (and commenting in) that is pretty interesting-it’s full of people who were anti-vaccine and developed COVID-19, with fairly consistent results:


For the most part they were always posting memes and anti-vaccination posts on Twitter, FB and other public sites, with the theme of “I’m a proud anti-vaxxer and I’m not afraid”.

If you read these posts, you will find they are also (for the most part) dead after a brief battle with the virus.

They were all unvaccinated.

This past week, the NY Times had an estimate every day for the number of deaths from COVID-19.

10,000 people (or more, because not all states are reporting their deaths) died in the past week alone.

As the NY Times stated:

The country is averaging more than 2,000 newly reported deaths a day and is approaching 700,000 total coronavirus deaths.

Why this is maddening, saddening and infuriating is:

The 3 vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna and J&J) have been readily available since February of this year.

True, there were missteps in getting it distributed quickly to pharmacies, hospitals and clinics in the beginning, but if you understand the enormity of the program, they were trying to supply millions of doses of a newly created vaccine to millions of people as quickly as possible.

Those first missteps and mistakes are now done. The vaccine is readily available for most people in any hospital, clinic or pharmacy setting.

They’ve had drive through clinics. They’ve gone door to door with vaccines. They’ve given away doses on the brink of expiring.

The vaccine is available if you want one.

This isn’t rocket science, people!

Do not think that anything you read on FB, Twitter or other public media by those ‘anti-vaxx experts’ is based on the truth.

You can’t do “your own research” into the vaccine. You don’t have the advanced PHd in microbiology, epidemiology, biology, virology or other medical science to be able to do it.

Those who claim they have are full of shit.

You don’t have the expert knowledge to be able to develop any vaccine.

You aren’t a doctor or expert in viruses who can tear apart the DNA of a virus structure to develop a vaccine based on it.

Your pastor, postal carrier, paperboy aren’t experts in virology.

Only those people in the actual medical fields know what they’re talking about.

Stop obsessing over wild tales of billionaires, micro chips or ‘fake vaccines’ and don’t listen to those who do.

Sorry to say, your religious beliefs will not save you. Your not wearing a mask is not a sign of bravery-it’s more like a blinking neon sign saying, “Oh, virus, here I am!”

Because in all reality, the virus isn’t at all fussy about who it infects and it takes every opportunity to do so to everyone it meets.

It’s an invisible killer of opportunistic means, and it will kill you, because you have no natural immunity to it-and nothing you eat or drink will stop it.

True, the vaccine will not completely stop the virus, but it will lessen any symptoms you might have and you’ll not have to go to the hospital to be put on a ventilator. Breakthrough infections for the most part, are survivable.

Being unvaccinated gives you a very good chance at dying.

688,175 people have so far.

Will you be the next?

Don’t be a statistic. Get vaccinated!

The Anti Vaxxer’s Argument

Recently, I had a ‘conversation’ with an antivaxxer who refuses to consider getting the vaccine for Covid 19.

Here is her response to my reply saying that the people who refuse the vaccine are sometimes also the same who deny the Holocaust and tend to inject bleach or horse medicine.

“I do not compare this virus to the Holocaust. Nor do I, nor have I ever injected bleach into my body or used whatever horse pate is to immunize myself from the virus. I simply refuse, and will continue to refuse to be injected with an experimental cocktail that has only been around for a year, with no no idea of the possible long term effects because it hasn’t been around long enough to find out. I’m not empty headed because we have a difference of opinion. I’m not going to be a guinea pig. If you choose to have the shots, good on you. I respect YOUR decision to choose, just as you and everyone else should respect MY decision to choose not to. “

When I countered that the virus is very deadly, she replied with this:

this virus still has a 99% survival rate. That vaccine you’re taking will not guarantee you’ll survive. You realize vaccinated people are passing on the virus and getting sick with it as well. It’s no magic bullet. When I got the polio vaccine, etc, it had been around for decades, and scientists were able to study it and tweak it, and make it as safe as possible.
I’m going to trust my healthy immune system. With a 99% survival rate, I’m all set. You do you and I’ll do me. I don’t care what you do. I hope you have YOUR affairs in order just in case all those boosters you’re going to needing won’t work.

I was rather terse with her and informed her that the statistic she quoted was wrong, and this is the link I gave her to read:

On the survival rate:

A popular tweet this week, however, used the survival statistic without key context. “Unvaccinated, you can get COVID and have over 99% chance of survival. Get vaccinated and you can STILL get COVID and will still have over 99% chance of survival,” reads the tweet.
The message is misleading. The average for the entire country cannot be used to calculate an individual’s chance of dying from the virus. The likelihood that a COVID-19 infection will result in death increases with age and if the patient has a pre-existing condition..”

Which underscores the point I was trying to make:

You can possibly survive the virus if you get vaccinated-and also if:

You are healthy enough without any pre-existing conditions to beat the Delta variant, which has killed perfectly healthy and fit unvaccinated people in the prime of their lives, or turned into ‘long haul’ Covid cases after surviving a bout of the virus.

The FDA is not in the business of poisoning people. The boosters which were quoted are being recommended because the Delta variant is a particularly ruthless virus that has no end point. It is driving the latest surge in cases and deaths in mostly unvaccinated people. The ‘breakthrough’ cases are far smaller in number. There haven’t been that many deaths in those, either..

Covid 19 is a vicious, ever-adapting virus which has so far killed over 4,459,471 people world wide, and 631,809 in the United States to this day.

Sure, you can trust on your immune system and chance not getting Covid.

But as Clint Eastwood so famously said in a movie to an opponent:

“Now you’ve got to ask yourself one question. Do I feel lucky? ”

Covid-19 is not a betting game. Don’t chance the outcome.

Get vaccinated.

Mandate Time

There have been a lot of articles from various sources in the news, mostly editorials by both famous and ordinary people, that have been opining that vaccine and mask mandates should be issued by governors, mayors and other public officials.

At first I was pretty neutral about the issue. After all, at a time earlier this year when it looked as though we had some control over Covid 19, there was the hope that we would not fall back into a bad place where either would be needed.

Most states were beginning to open up and roll back what mandates they had in place, to return to normal life.

That was before the Delta variant came to destroy whatever vestige of normalcy we had clawed back in a couple of months after a utterly devastating long year of virulence.

Now it looks as though we’re going to have to force the issue and make everyone who is eligible for one get a shot .

In Maine, Governor Janet Mills just issued an executive order that requires all medical personnel in the state to be vaccinated by October 1 or face the consequences. All the medical organizations fully support her action.

But her order only applied to those specific people. Not anyone else-and certainly not the people who work for the state in an official capacity, although it is probable that she’ll do that next, I hope.

I am now in complete agreement with any official order to make people get a shot, whether or not they’re against it or not.

Because yesterday I had to go to the Department of Human Services for a visit about a program I’m enrolled in, and I found myself leaving it furious beyond belief.

While in the meeting with a worker at DHS I asked casually if there would be a mandate for state workers, and she replied, “No-and if there is one, I’ll be out of a job.”
I replied, “Oh, really? Why is that?”
She continued, ” Because I won’t get the vaccine.”

While she continued with her work on the computer I sat in stunned silence. Which turned into cold rage. When we ended our meeting, I left the building nearly blind with disbelief and anger.

I hadn’t asked her why she wasn’t getting vaccinated, but no reason would have been sufficient for me, except for being immune-compromised. I really don’t think she was, because she was far younger than I am and in pretty good shape.

She seemed very healthy, indeed.

I had sat in a small room for nearly 10 minutes with someone who could have been carrying or sick with the Delta variant. Even when we were both wearing masks.

While a sign on the wall stated that 3 feet was needed to maintain social distancing, (and there was) I was in the distinct place where I didn’t need to be-exposed to the very close possibility that I could get sick through no fault of my own due to a breakthrough infection-given to me by a complete stranger.

All I could think while I sat there was: “HOW DARE YOU!”

Indeed-how dare she tell me, a vaccinated older person, that she doesn’t care if she gives me a disease that could kill me or land me in the hospital.


This column is for her and everyone like her.

How dare you ignore the fact that this virus has killed over 600,000 people, maimed with ‘long covid’ hundreds of thousands of others, and continues to ravage this country unchecked.

How dare you potentially expose me, a taxpayer, to your little political or ‘moral’ statement about a virus that has shown no signs of slowing down or stopping any time soon.

It’s nearly out of control in some states.

How dare you blithely dismiss the virus as being ‘nothing to worry about.”

I think you and everyone who thinks they won’t be getting a shot should be either forced to or punished for not getting it, and if that means you get fired, so be it.

I got my shots because I work with the public as well-and in a place where many un-vaccinated people congregate. I wear a mask at all times, knowing it’s not just for me, but for others to not be exposed to the virus.

I do that because I believe in the science.

Not the cheap political or personal stunts that are killing people.

Yes, Ms. State Worker, you should be fired for refusing to protect the very people you work for.

I think our governor should issue a mandate telling you and all your antivaxxer friends that you aren’t so special after all, and you have no right to stay in your job exposing people like me to your ignorance and stupidity.

I’d be written up if I didn’t mask up and probably fired for not wearing it when ordered to yet again by our company.

You, Ms. Caseworker, should be removed from your job because you’re not competent enough to understand the very reality that we are now in a world-wide pandemic and everyone needs to step up and make sure that they’re not helping it continue.

Yes, indeed. I will be pleased if you do lose your job because you refuse to be part of the solution.

Although I do hope you don’t get sick with Covid-19, because only then would it might even occur to you that it was a mistake to not get the vaccine, like many people who died after declaring that they wouldn’t get it.

But if you do get sick after you get fired for not getting a vaccine, don’t tell me that I didn’t tell you so.

That’s what you get when you ignore the warnings, mandates and orders.

That’s some ‘freedom’, isn’t it?

When you expose others to a deadly virus without caring, that’s not freedom.

That’s utterly callous stupidity and you should pay for it.

In all ways possible.

It’s the price you pay for your ignorance.

What’s It Gonna Take?

That’s the question I’ve been asking myself, along with many other people-about those who refuse or decline to take the COVID-19 vaccines now widely available.

They’re free-they’re at nearly any pharmacy, and you can ask for an appointment anytime and get it that day!

They’re safe (despite the anti-vaxxers who claim otherwise, without merit), they’re effective, (despite the ‘breakthrough infections’ reported) and they will save your life.

What does it take?

Who do you need to see die before you take the virus seriously?

Does seeing your spouse, child, parent, sibling or friend die a slow and painful death do it for you?

You say you haven’t seen that.

How about the leader of your church? Your bosses’ spouse? A friend of a friend’s spouse?

How about a member of Congress? Your state Legislature? Your Mayor, Governor, or Boy Scout leader?

Your best friend’s niece? Your former paperboy?

I could go on and on, and all of these examples are true. These people were someone of importance to someone in their lives.

But it didn’t have to be this way. It really didn’t.

The Republicans are using the virus to scare people into sheep-like mentality so every time a scientist or a government official says that we could be doing more, you bleat, “Hoax!”

Do you realize that the Republicans are killing you? Do you realize that they don’t give a good rat’s ass about what you think about the virus, as long as they get their ‘message’ out? It’s usually a good bet that they don’t give a shit about you.

All they want is for everyone who isn’t a Republican to die from the virus-not realizing that a lot of innocent people like kids are dying of it. But kids aren’t important to the Republicans-because they only care about unborn fetuses-not real children.

Because kids don’t vote. Who cares about a kid? Who cares about some old lady in the nursing home who hasn’t voted in 30 years? Who cares about that guy down the block who’s trying to make a living?

If they’re not Republicans, they don’t count. Even if they are, they don’t.

And neither do you.

Do yourself a favor. Stop listening to Fox News, the GOP, Donald Trump or anyone who has an R next to their title. Stop reading your Twitter feed, Your Facebook posts, your Instagram accounts.

Look at the mirror and ask yourself if you’re worth the vaccine.

Then do something about it.

And wear a damn mask, while you’re at it.

Because your life is on the line now.

Save it for yourself, if not everyone else.

You will be glad you did, because you’ll be alive to vote out all those stupid Republicans who are trying to kill us all.

Personal Choices

If you’ve been reading or watching the news in the past few years, there appears to be an epidemic of racism going on in this country.

Black people shot, killed, harassed, threatened. All caught on video, all with varying degrees of endings.

George Floyd died from Derek Chauvin kneeling on his neck and back for 9 minutes and 29 seconds. Far more time than is necessary to subdue a subject. More than enough time to kill him. Chauvin is on trial right now for 2nd and 3rd degree murder.

Another man, a black Army lieutenant, tried to ask officers why he was being stopped when he was pulled over and got pepper sprayed, pulled out of his car, and forced down on the ground for his questions. He did nothing wrong, and was not charged. The white cop was fired.

A young black man driving a car, was pulled over for having an air freshener in his car. While attempting to escape (yes, that was a bad mistake) he was shot when the white officer mistakenly pulled her gun instead of her Taser, even after having screamed, “Taser! Taser! Taser!” during the stop. She was a 26 year veteran cop and resigned, then was arrested for manslaughter.

One black man was walking through a neighborhood near his home and a white off-duty Army sergeant ordered him to leave the area, threatening him with bodily harm if he did not. The man refused, the cops were called and the situation de-escalated to where the sergeant was arrested for harassing the man.

Another black man was jogging in a suburb near his home and was shot to death by a white man for nothing more than jogging in the wrong neighborhood. The white men were sent to prison for murder-only after having been discovered for the crime after nearly a year.

This is only a partial list of what black people have had to endure in the last few years. It goes all the way back to our founding as a country. It’s disgraceful and disgusting.

But the real problem is far less overt than the actual situations. It’s not discernible.

It doesn’t appear as obvious as the racism-and it’s very subtle if you really don’t look at the whole picture.

It’s called ‘personal choice’.

Those white people of authority (and they were all white) in every situation had the option to either walk away or to de-escalate the situation. They had the autonomy in every single one to not choose violence, not to be a cause of death.

They were the ones ‘in charge’, being authorized to be cops, or other authority figures.

They all knew better. They were taught not to do this. They were all cops or people of authority and they knew their power.

They did not have to choose to misuse it. They did not have to kill or harm another black person just because they could.

They abused their authority and chose to ignore training. They chose their racism over that of the life of their victim.

They have to be made to pay for their choices, because that is how you stop bad behavior.

You punish it until the perpetrators stop for a few seconds and actually think about what they’re doing.

There is no excuse on Earth for any of these situations to have happened except for personal choice.

Racism is a learned habit. It has to be unlearned, punished and taught to be unacceptable.

It’s time we start pushing back with real punishment for people who exhibit it.

If it takes prison time, so be it. The cops and the entire justice system has been unfairly condemning black people to prison for decades, and now perhaps it’s time to turn the tables on them.

Because they need to know what real consequences are and what personal choice really means.

Weapons of White Supremacy

When the latest episode of mass shooting occurred, I, like many Americans, was disappointed that there weren’t that many people calling for a ban on automatic weapons.

It’s so very obvious that we need to do this, and many other things to eliminate the mass shootings that have become our recurring nightmare. If the law cannot control them by way of legislating their sale and manufacture, then it becomes imperative that we must eliminate the guns at all costs.

Because we’re in an undeclared war-against ourselves. We’re losing, too.

Oh, I can hear the 2nd Amendment worshipers crying in anguish now. “You’ll pry my gun from my cold, dead hands.”

Oh, poor babies-can’t live without your AR-15, can you? Can’t go a day without having the pure joy of owning a mass casualty weapon in your hands, huh? Feel naked without your reason for existence, right?

Because in all reality, these weapons are not for sport or hunting, target practicing or any other innocent activity.

They’re made to kill people-that’s all. With their high caliber, high capacity magazines and overwhelming speed of firing, they are not just a casual gun to bring to your in-laws cocktail party, or to a Walmart for shopping.

No-they’re just instruments of death. That’s all they were designed for, and anyone who argues otherwise is a fool or a member of the NRA which encourages the sale of these weapons to ordinary people off the street.

But there’s also other monumental truths that I’ve just realized recently:

They’re the white man’s preferred weapon of choice against their real or perceived enemies.

This was so stunning to me-I’d never drawn a straight line between the two, but now it’s blazingly obvious and apparent.

They’re made by white men for white men.

They’re sold by white men to white men.

Nearly every single mass shooting that has occurred in the United States in the last 40 years has been by a white man.

That’s not a mistaken statement.

Nor is it a mistake that the NRA (the unofficial weapons cheerleader for the GOP) has become the leading proponent for selling more of these guns.

The NRA is run by white men, for white men.

Everything in the gun industry is for white men, by white men.

All their advertising is for white men owning firearms. The more killing power, the better.

This is not about the 2nd Amendment. At best, that is a flimsy fig leaf for advocating white supremacy.

Because the weapons are always used by white men against minorities, and women.


So when people claim that their right to bear arms is in danger and they’re hollering against automatic weapons being banned once again, just remember who the person is behind the weapon and the protests.

It’s a white man.

You’ll find the entire history of white supremacy behind it-and that’s why they’re scared to have their weapons banned.

The white supremacists and racists among us would be naked without their guns. They’ll have to deal with other people without them. They’re terrified of the prospect. They can’t deal with it.

And if you own one of these weapons, ask yourself one pertinent question:

“Why am I armed to the teeth against an unknown threat and what is it I am afraid of?”

Maybe it’s the threat that you seem not to be in charge now- your place in society is becoming smaller, and that’s frightening.

Women and minorities are “taking over the country”. It’s lonely being a white man, isn’t it? Nobody in power looks like you anymore.

You’re afraid of anyone else having a place in society-you don’t want to lose yours-and you’ll kill to keep it.

That’s why the automatic weapon exists-to substitute the loss of personal power with firepower to reclaim it.

A white man’s power comes from a mass extinction weapon.

It’s time we end this undeclared war.



If you want more information about this and the statistics that back my statements up, Mother Jones has a complete database here:

Attitude Adjustment

The other day while I was working, an acquaintance of mine whom I hadn’t seen in a long time greeted me, and we spoke for a few minutes.

She asked me, “Are you still writing?”

I told her no, then gave her the world’s oldest and most pathetic excuse that any writer can give out: “Writer’s block.” Or in my case “Pandemic block”.

She was disappointed and in retrospect, so am I.

Writer’s block has often been cited as a reason one doesn’t write. It’s a cover for laziness, lack of ability, or just plain lack of creativity.

It doesn’t really exist, because most writers do write, and those who don’t, have little to no reason to continue to write at all.

I have been remiss, true. I’d all but stopped after the election and I think part of my ‘pandemic block’ is for so many years-4-to be precise, my writing has been focused on one person, or personality. I won’t have to remind you of his name, because you can guess who it is.

With the election finally behind us, and all the drama that played out, I mistakenly believed I couldn’t think of anything else to write about, and that’s bad.

The fact that life now is a bit calmer, rational and sane is rather jarring, to me and millions of other people. We’ve become accustomed to chaos and madness every single day of our lives, living in fear of what Dorothy Parker succinctly put it: “What fresh hell is this?”.

But now that’s gone. The current President is of the normal kind-he does his job, tells us what he does and goes about doing it. He doesn’t create drama, angst or madness. He doesn’t have followers or a cult.

He has family, staff, friends and allies. He doesn’t yell and scream on Twitter every single day or have press conferences that display utter craziness.

It is relieving to be back to normal. It’s utterly wonderful not to obsess on one person’s actions to the detriment of everything else.

So I will have to find other things to write about.

Perhaps that’s the best development of all.

Life is more or less normal again.

It’s wonderful..but for the pandemic.

Yeah that problem is still with us.

We cannot all relax because it’s still on-going and we must not let our guard down because it’s still taking lives by the thousands every day in the United States.

The vaccines are here. We must all get them. I’ve gotten my two, and I’m hopeful that everyone else will too.

Because life can’t be 100% normal until we all are protected from the virus.

Then we can go back to being normal Americans.

I’m looking forward to it!

Bring it on!

The End of the Error

Dedicated to the memory of David P. Hilton- I wish you were here to see this!

No matter who tells me that Donald Trump was in the Oval Office for only 4 years, I will not believe it.

It felt like 10 years-it was an unending time of complete and utter insanity, right to the end, when ordinary insanity was replaced with a megaton bomb of out of the world total and utter end of times chaos.

I must admit that even I was floored by the ending-although I should have suspected he’d do this-incite insurrection in order to have the Congress give him the election. Which failed, as he does on a regular basis. Far from winning, he goes out the door like the total loser he truly is. From the courts to the election results, Donald Trump bears the mark of “L”, which of course stands for loser.

However, this event was an extra bonus of “oh,my god what fresh hell is this?” and it completely blew all of us out of our comfortable chairs where we were braced for the ending we believed would happen. We had no idea.

But I was right from the start to the end.

Donald Trump is a traitor, was the most unfit person to ever hold the office and that this tenure in office would damage our country in so many ways we would be forever picking up the pieces.

How he tricked and conned his followers to fall into his trap was very reminiscent of Goebbels-and we even had his doppelganger employed by Trump in the form of Stephen Miller, who was evil enough so Goebbels would have been very proud of him.

Now his followers are all in shock as they find themselves in legal jeopardy and he’s nowhere to be found. They didn’t really expect him to be there, did they? Oh, they did?

How stupid they were-the man they followed to the bitter end had no intention of sullying his hands with their bad actions. He was forced to rescind them, (although it’s rumored that he really regrets doing that..) and leave them twisting in the wind. He saved himself, as usual. He wasn’t going to do anything to get actually involved. Oh, never!

Imagine-he’s the only POTUS to ever be impeached TWICE! You have to hand it to him, when he destroys things, he goes all the way. I hope nobody will ever dare try to match this record.

Nor will they ever attempt to kill as many people as he this time we have 400,000 people dying from COVID-19, which he lied his way through, with the sadly predictable results. This is nothing short of negligent homicide. Perhaps even genocide.

It was unfortunately only after rioters invaded the Capitol, killing 5 people in the process and making a mess of the place while dragging the Confederate flag through the halls, did all the social media finally started to think that maybe his big fat flapping, lying mouth should be shut up more or less permanently did the situation calm down.

He’s been banned on almost every social media site known, except Parler. It is a true relief not to have anxiety of what he would say. Blissful, even.

That should have happened a very long time ago. Imagine having had Hitler on Facebook and Twitter? Do you think anything different would have happened? No, and for the same reasons they’ve banned Trump now.

So now we’re finally going to be rid of him. I’m sure many political commentators will feel lost without him, but I will not. It will be a relief to not have to write about him. He didn’t deserve all these words-from me or anyone else.

It was only because the media fawned over him that he won.

No, this entire 4 years was not normal-almost a war waged for the sanity of our country.

It was an endurance trial-of whether or not we as a people would survive his being in office.

I’m not too sure that we did. Time will tell, but I will be ever so happy to never hear his voice, see his ugly face or read another newspaper report of how he screwed up this country once more, except for the remaining trial in the Senate, once they go back into session. I hope this time they’ll see fit to convict him.

And I’m sure you do , too.

I will be having a grand old time on January 20, 2021, because we’ve gone through hell and back again to reclaim our country from the worst president in American history, who will be never forgotten as the traitor who damn nearly took us down.

It is 2 days after Martin Luther King’s birthday, a federal holiday. It is appropriate to be joyous that we have ousted a white supremacist terrorist from office.

We are finally free of him.

Finally, let the healing begin.

We have fought the good fight.

And we won.

One Last Word

4 years ago, I wrote this piece in this blog:

Unfit To Lead

At the time I was totally and utterly convinced that Donald Trump would be the most unfit man to ever enter the Oval Office.

I have never had reason to back off this piece, or my words. They remain true to this day.

In 4 years, Donald Trump has made a mockery of the office, the United States a laughingstock and done indelible damage to so many institutions and norms that we cannot even begin to assess the destruction he and the Republicans have wreaked. It’s almost incalculable.

He has been impeached. Never convicted, he laughed at the legalities. His supporters redoubled their support, and the GOP backed him throughout.

Then came the disaster of COVID-19, and with it, the worst scenario to ever befall a country-an unfit man in a position of incredible power, with no idea of how to do his job.

So far, 220,000 people have died from the virus. Donald Trump laughs at it. Even when he himself was infected, and taken to Walter Reed Medical Center for treatment, he called it ‘nothing to be worried about.’

According to Bob Woodward, Trump said he downplayed the virus because he did not want Americans to panic.

So, if you’ve lost family, your job, your house, or other things, don’t worry-it’s nothing to panic over.

Just ask Donald Trump.

Now that it’s nearly election day, I urge and implore anyone who reads this to please, please vote to remove him from office on November 3rd.

We cannot afford to have him in it any longer. He has killed more people, jobs, the lives and dreams of more people in the past 6 months than any President in our history.

We need our country back.

I lost my husband a year ago, this month. He died essentially of nearly the same thing-pneumonia, which has been a primary disease that accompanies COVID-19. He died 4 months before the pandemic hit, and ever since then I’ve often wondered if that was a morbid glimpse into the suffering that has followed.

I am mourning his loss, and many others’ losses. We didn’t need to lose these people. We didn’t need to lose our way of life.

We don’t need Donald Trump in office any more.

Please vote-and I’m going to do one endorsement that I have been hesitating for a while from doing.

Please vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

They are literally the lifeline we need to restore our country.

Save our country, save our lives, and save your children’s’ lives.

Because Donald Trump is the absolute worst person to be in the Oval Office, now or ever.

And 4 more years of his misrule are unimaginable.

50 Reasons

I’ve put together a short list of reasons why nobody should vote for Donald Trump on November 3rd.

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll recognize all of them.

Executive Orders

Family Separation policy

Immigration Policy


Stephen Miller

Betsy DeVos

Puerto Rico-Hurricane Maria

Medal of Freedom

Unending hysterical tweets

Protests and Marches

“Loser”, “Hoax!”, “Fake News!”

Russia investigation


COVID-19, and his lies about it

Golf trips

20,000 lies in 4 years


George Floyd Photo Op

Lt. Colonel Vindman, Maria Yovanovitch


Roll back of environmental protections-Clean Air and Water Act.

Withdrawal from the Paris Accord on Climate Change

Attempted to destroy the ACA.

Attempted to destroy DACA.

Partial repeal of Dodd-Frank Act

Withdrew from TransPacific Pact

Tariff war with China

Tariff war with Europe.

Associates meetings with Russians

“We’re in love!”-Kim Jung Un.

Recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Withdrawal from Iran pact

Fired James Comey


Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh

White House employee turnover.

Firing Inspectors General

Jared Kushner

Government shutdown

“I have to the right to do whatever I want as president”.

“free speech is not when you see something good and then you purposefully write bad … To me that’s very dangerous speech and you become angry at it.”

William Barr

White House Press passes revoked.

Reinstatement of asset forfeiture laws

Reversal of ban on military equipment sold to police departments.

Repeal of law barring gun ownership by mentally ill people.


Muslim Travel Ban

LGBTQ rights rollbacks.

6 year extension of FISA

Voter suppression by the Post Master General.

“when the looting starts, the shooting starts”

Deployment of federal troops to civil unrest in cities

Massive conflicts of interest. Source

November 3rd is our chance to rid our nation of this unfit, unstable man who has absolutely no right or reason to be in the White House.

And while you’re voting, remember the Republicans who are up for re-election and who have actively supported Donald Trump.

They need to go also.

Make sure you vote.

The Loser

When the news broke the other night that Donald Trump has commuted Roger Stone’s prison sentence for lying to Congress (among other crimes), I, like you, was stunned and angry.

Immediately I thought, “that traitorous bastard! How dare he do this! Stone is a convicted criminal, and deserves to be in prison!”

Another thought came to me later. “This is a sure fire way to not get elected. Trump knows this is so blatant, so in your face that it will turn a lot more people against him.”

Then it dawned on me, as it should everyone.

Donald Trump wants to lose this election.

Really. Think about this, because it’s becoming more and more apparent that not only is he going to lose, he actually wants to lose.

Imagine for a few minutes you’re Donald Trump, in all his narcissistic pathology. I know it’s hard, but once you do, it will become clear why this is the only conclusion that would result from his actions.

“People all over the United States are dying of some damn disease. It’s caused by a virus, something that shouldn’t be a big problem, but this one is a real killer. It’s bad. Really bad, and man, I can’t stop it. Those doctors keep telling that it’s not good, and why do they keep telling me to wear a mask? I can’t see it, so it can’t be that bad. I mean, it’s gotta be like the flu. Like a cold. How bad can it get? Don’t we have the best medicines to beat this? Don’t we already have the cure?

“So we have all these people dying. Why do they blame me? I’m just one guy-it’s not my problem if they get sick. I can’t help them if they die. Why do they all keep telling me to do something? Can’t they figure it out for themselves? China did this to make me look bad. I know they did. You can’t trust those foreigners.”

“I mean, like why do they keep on telling me it’s my fault for not knowing anything about it? I can’t stand all those smart asses standing there and telling me all this stuff every day in that meeting they hold. They say I’m supposed to know this stuff, but man, is it boring!

“But this stuff really cramps my stye. I can’t go anywhere. I can’t go golfing because everyone tells me ‘it looks bad.’ Man, I could use that ride in my golf cart. I can’t go to Mar-a-Lago, because Florida is having all those cases of that virus. The Secret Service guys tell me it’s not safe, and they’ve got some people who got sick from the rally in Tulsa. I can’t hold any rallies because everyone’s scared of that virus. They keep insisting that it’s not safe for me. I miss Mar-a-Lago. Everyone understands me there. I can’t go to my place in New York, either because they painted that sign in front of Trump Tower-about black people.”

“I can’t hold rallies anywhere, because nobody will show up. Brad is such a weenie, because he lied to me about how many people would be at Tulsa. A million people! Imagine! But when I get there, only half the place is filled up and I can’t even get them outside. Nobody showed up! Everyone keeps telling me that I’m losing in the polls. How can that be? How can I be losing when everyone loves me? But that’s what they keep repeating..and even those jerks at Fox are turning on me, except for Tucker. He understands me.”

“Then everyone is going on about black people. I know some really fine ones, but they’re usually the help, so I wouldn’t know about that. Why can’t they just shut up about not being able to vote? Can’t they get it? They are not really human beings..I mean, we would have won the Civil War if if that guy Lincoln hadn’t screwed it up by telling the black people they were just like us whites. What a joke! Can you imagine? “

“That niece of mine! She’s such a crybaby! Telling everyone my Dad was a bad guy! How dare she talk about our family like that! That’s what you get when you send a woman to college! She gets all educated and then turns on me! Didn’t we make her sign something that says she can’t talk about how we treated Freddie? I mean, sure, it was bad, but he deserved it! He wasn’t a killer like Dad wanted him to be, and really, he didn’t deserve to die, but man, he was asking for it! The money was ours, by the way-she didn’t earn one cent of it.”

“Those guys in New York-they went and got my friend Roger all screwed up-and he didn’t do anything wrong! He’s innocent-and they’re bad people for making him suffer. He shouldn’t go to prison! Especially for lying! I mean, everyone does it! But Mike, he deserves to be in prison because he lied to them about me. He shouldn’t have done that. None of their business what I do with my money-and those women were just such bitches to talk about that stuff.”

“Then the military is all up in arms about what I did to that guy on the NSC…Vindman, I think his name was? He comes off like a hero for telling lies about what I did and he gets treated like a hero, and everyone wants to impeach me. Used to be the military kept their mouths shut and did their duty. At least when I was in that school they did. Best education I could have ever gotten.”

“What a woman that broad in the House is-she thinks she’s smarter than I am. I mean, if it weren’t for that silly law saying women are equal and can vote, she’d still be in the kitchen now. How dare she tell me off. She’s not very bright.”

“So I can’t win. Nobody likes me..not even the people who I got on the Supreme Court. Hey, what the hell is wrong with them? They talk about me not being above the law-hell, what did I bother with getting those guys on there if they’re going to turn on me like that? They could have a little gratitude. I did a good job for them, and that’s how they pay me back? Inconsiderate jerks!”

“I’m tired of being here all the time, being told all this stuff, and nobody likes me. I can’t do what I like and every time I do, some clown will tell me it’s ‘wrong’ or it ‘doesn’t look good’ or that the polls are bad, and that I’m making things worse..and I can’t win. So why not pardon Roger-I mean, if I’m gonna lose like they say I am, why not go out with a bang? What’s to lose from doing it? He gets free, and when I’m outta here, he can come down to Mar-a-Lago and we’ll have a great time on the course!”


There is a global pandemic going on with COVID-19.

As of right now (6/23/20) there are in the United States: (data provided by CDC)

Total Cases 2,275,645
27,616 New Cases
Total Deaths 119,923
308 New Deaths
40 jurisdictions report more than 10,000 cases of COVID-19.
The majority of the cases are in the age range of 18-44.

This is just in the United States alone. Other countries are having as terrible numbers and they’re only increasing by the day.

Many people seem to believe that this virus is a hoax, fable, story or media creation. I’ve met a lot of them in my work. They refuse to use masks, social distancing is a joke to them, and in general they tend to disregard it as being nothing to worry about.

Just the other day, a customer asked me, “Why are you so afraid of it?” She was older than I am, and not wearing a mask. She did not believe me when I told her how the virus is transmitted, or how lethal it is. She simply refused to believe anything I said.

Other people have been similarly dismissive.

I live in Maine, one of the very few states (so far) to have contained the pandemic to 102 deaths, with 2,957 cases. We’ve been very, very lucky-so far.

Other states have not. New York and New Jersey have been hit hard, but are slowly recovering from the worst numbers. The virus infection rate is increasing in the south at a rapid rate.

It cannot be stressed enough that this is a very, very dangerous disease.

3 months from the very first reported cases in the United States, nearly 120,000 people have died from it.

That is nearly 40,000 people per month. At the rate the infections are increasing and if the death rate holds steady, we will have nearly 360,000 people dying from it by December.

That is over a quarter of a million people dead from this virus.

This is not the flu. This is not a bad cold. While it has a very similar composition to pneumonia, it is far more lethal.

Nobody is immune to it-even those who have already had it.

There is no cure for this.

There is no vaccine for this.

There is nothing to stop it from killing you.

Because by the end of the year there will probably not be a vaccine for it, despite all the great news coming from the medical and scientific communities.

It will take more than a few months to develop one, and the trials for any vaccine are now just under way.

They take months to get results.

Then the vaccine has to be produced in massive amounts to distribute to people. That will take at least another year.

The best case scenario for an effective working vaccine is 3 years.

If you want to risk your own life and get this virus, go for it.

Just don’t ask me to risk mine for you. Don’t laugh at me for wearing a mask and standing behind a plexiglass shield when I ring you up.

Stop asking me why I am afraid of it. I have more than adequate reason to be afraid of dying from this.

You do too.

Start believing in the science, and the experts.

They’re smarter than all of people who believe Donald Trump.

Stop listening to Fox News and their paid commentators. They’re not doctors.

Because science cures illness.

Ignorance, denial and magical thinking do not.

We cannot beat this virus by wishing it away.

It will not go away until we find a vaccine that works, and even then, it will remain with us.

Scientists are of the belief that even if there is a vaccine developed, the virus will become like the seasonal flu.

I intend to survive to that day.

Hopefully you will too.

If you’re interested in how to do that, check the CDC link provided above. It will give you all the information you need to know about COVID-19.

It can only help you save your life.

My White Privilege

To many people this “Black Lives Matter” movement is a very uncomfortable reckoning of our very sordid and evil history about how African-Americans have been treated over the centuries in this country.

It is a very divisive movement-one that has pitted whites against each other, one side accusing the other of being racist or not, of being invested in perpetuating the myths and stereotypes that have plagued both white and black people throughout our history.

It’s a very uncomfortable history when you think of it.

Thomas Jefferson, author and signer of the Declaration of Independence, himself owned slaves, and denied them their right to freedom on his own plantation. He had children with a black woman named Sally Hemings, whom he freed when he died.

Other signers were also slave owners. None of them felt black people were human beings, either.

So from the very first, black people were given a second class (if any at all) status in our country. They were in fact, invisible, to be treated as non-people. They stayed that way until the 20th century, more or less.

It is the same with my heritage.

I am white, but loaded with baggage that I have to consider when I ponder where I stand in this movement.

Which I fully support, by the way.

No, I’m not one of those “All lives matter’ people. I’m better than that. I know what it means, and it’s just as racist as any trope going.

To come to this place, I’ve had to remember where I came from.

My mother’s family lives in Alexandria, Virginia. They owned a farm (probably a solid working farm, too.) that had been in the family for hundreds of years.

In all estimation, they possibly owned a couple of slaves-it’s not beyond reason, considering that most farms in Virginia and the South in general did. One or two, it doesn’t matter. It still means that they owned another human being to work their land, and be denied full membership in the human race because of the color of their skin.

I don’t know for sure..but I can guess they did. It was acceptable practice.

Some members of my mother’s family also fought in the Civil War-for the Confederacy. Now, even if they didn’t own slaves they certainly supported the idea. How else can you explain their fighting against their own country?

Some of my male relatives were Chiefs of Police in Alexandria. Think of who they arrested. Think of why. Then think of how many they did.

Then there’s the minor other details of my life.

I was born on June 3rd, which happens to be Jefferson Davis’s (President of the Confederacy) birthday as well. I never liked the idea of sharing it with a slave owner, slavery supporter and traitor. It makes me feel like I share the history of slavery in being born that day.

Ft. Benning, Georgia was where I was born. While I was a baby, I had a black nanny to take care of me.

2 months after I was born, Emmett Till was lynched. 6 months after my birth, Rosa Parks refused to move her seat.

My mother was a silent racist. This I only learned long after she’d died. I never personally heard her speak that way, and so I was shocked to learn of it from a un-mailed letter to her cousin in Virginia that proclaimed that she loved Maine because “There’s no n*s!” (her exact words.)

I can only imagine what her sent letter said. I’m afraid it wasn’t much different.

We’d moved up to Maine after my father retired for many reasons. I wonder sometimes if that wasn’t one of them.

My father, while not an overt racist, had sat in a courts-martial trial board for a year, and he had to pass judgement on some black soldiers accused of serious crimes. He said that he had to find them guilty, but he felt sorry for them. He also implied they weren’t very smart people.

I never met any black people until I went to school in Alexandria-because we lived in a segregated city. I even have a picture of my first school group. There were no black children.

I was a bit surprised to meet some when I went to the integrated school, but not unhappily so. I even remember having a black girl as a friend.

Of course that was only in school. Never at home.

So it has been like this for me. Separate and more than equal for nearly all of my life-and I regret it, even when I had no personal choice in the matter.

I can’t claim to know personally anything of the suffering black people have and are going through, but I can damn well sympathize and support any movement that helps them reclaim their humanity, and citizenship in the United States of America.

Because it’s been far too long.

It’s time to end the ‘white ownership’ of this country.

There’s more than just one race in this country.

It’s time to stop pretending otherwise.

Living while Black

White people have it easy.

We can do normal things and never get reported to the police for doing them.

Black people do not have that luxury, and this is a list (incomplete, of course) of them.

Operating a lemonade store
Golfing too slowly
Waiting for a friend at Starbucks
Barbecuing at a park
Working out at a gym
Campaigning door to door
Moving into an apartment
Mowing the wrong lawn
Shopping for prom clothes
Napping in a university common room
Asking for directions
Not waving while leaving an Airbnb
Redeeming a coupon
Selling bottled water on a sidewalk
Eating lunch on a college campus
Riding in a car with a white grandmother
Babysitting two white children
Wearing a backpack that brushed against a woman
Working as a home inspector
Working as a firefighter
Helping a homeless man
Delivering newspapers
Swimming in a pool
Shopping while pregnant
Driving with leaves on a car
Trying to cash a paycheck
Dancing in the street

Sometimes they don’t get arrested. Sometimes, the police just tell the complainant (usually white) that they are not committing a crime, and just walk away.

But more often than not, they do get arrested, jailed and fined for these ‘ordinary’ activities-and they have a criminal record from it.

This is racism at its’ core-the inability of black and other people of color to just live their lives without being harassed for the color of their skin.

And then you say we don’t have a racism problem in the United States.

Keep telling yourself.

It’s not true.

Living while black is a dangerous life.

Just ask George Floyd’s family.

A Reconsideration

A few months ago, I wrote an essay you might have read in this blog. You might have liked it a great deal, and have told me about it. I know I got many compliments for it from people in my life.

Called “Woman Alone”, it described my emotional and mental reactions to my husband’s sudden and unexpected death.

It was frank and candid, accurate and ended on a rather upbeat, defiant note.

I meant every word I said.

It was written a few weeks after the event-in December 2019.

Then something happened that has altered my outlook in a stark way.

The COVID-19 pandemic.

I’d been hearing about the outbreak in Wuhan China, and had been warily watching events unfold.

A sense of dread started to climb into my mind, mostly because it appeared that the gathering storm was going to be washing over the entire world in a very short time.

Which it did, with a ferociousness that has not even slowed down.

Now, I’m no scientist, (far from it) but I could tell that it was going to take a toll unlike anything we’ve seen in over a hundred years. These kinds of things do.

It was just too unpredictable and dangerous, mishandled with incompetent inconsistency by countries that had no clue what was going to happen, no idea of what to do about an uncontrollable invisible enemy.

So that happened. As it spread out from China, it quickly gained traction in waves that are still coming on. Cruise ships were infected. Italy was devastated and locked down. Germany, Hong Kong, and South Korea managed to do mitigation efforts that were superb in their handling and outreach.

They have for the most part, gotten a stern hold on the pandemic. They’ve managed to keep their people safe and while they’ve done some really heavy handed and draconian steps to do it, locking down their countries, literally stopping everything and everyone from all activities. They threw all of their knowledge, money and science at the virus.

It has worked, so far.

In this country, however, the same cannot be said. Led by a man who is literally the most incompetent and ignorant man to ever sit in the Oval Office, we have seen devastation that is virtually on the same scale as the 1918 Flu pandemic.

More than 60,000 people have died so far from it. Most of them being the elderly, immune or physically compromised. They’ve died in unspeakable agony, in conditions unseen and unheard of since that last pandemic.

So as I sit here today, I have to reconsider all that I wrote before in a light I never thought I would.

To be perfectly honest, I’m not so brave now.

I’m scared to death, as you must be as well.

I am alone. I have few close friends, and my closest relatives are far away. I am a year away from retirement.

At work I have to take extra precautions to do my work safely. As ‘essential personnel’ I cannot just step back from it and stay at home, even though I would if necessity required it.

I’m called a hero. I don’t feel like one.

I’ve written about that, too.

But things change and circumstances have forced me to face the truth.

I’m not immortal.

Yesterday, in the cold hard light of reality staring me in the face, I started to do that which I had been putting off for a very long time.

Most people are like that. We just don’t want to face death. We’re not comfortable with it.

I downloaded the forms for an end of life care directive. I’ve saved them on a thumb drive, and will be filling them out when the present executive order from the governor in my state expires, and seeing my attorney.

I’ve written up my short will, directions for my executor and obituary to be run in the newspaper should I die without notice.

It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. Normally I would have quailed at the prospect. Before this, I would have been emotionally torn to even consider these steps. I used to shrink away from the truth.

Now I can’t but help face it and the possibility that I might be the next victim, even though in the state where I live, we’ve had a better outcome than most. Our infection and death rate has been relatively low, and I don’t live in the area that has been hard hit.

I don’t live in a nursing home, or in Cumberland County. I’m not in the health care system, although I do work in a pharmacy.

I’m just a cashier now. I used to be a pharmacy tech, and that prospect now would make me leave my job were I still in it.

That’s how I was able to start becoming scared. I know what this pandemic is doing. I know people who could be the next victim.

I don’t intend to be one, though.

But I am still scared. I’m alone, and I dearly wish some days that I had David to talk to to quell my fears, to tell me it’s going to be all right. That we’ll beat this.

He would have explained what could happen. He was smart that way.

He would have not survived this, though. He would have been among the first to succumb.

In fact, in hindsight, his death was a very eerie and disturbing precursor of what is now going on.

I wonder some days if it wasn’t just hypoxia and pneumonia that took his life.

After all, he died in the ICU while on a CPAP machine. In a coma.

Very much like many victims of COVID-19 have so far.

I will never know.

But there are days when I do thank the fates for having taken him so quickly, for having had the chance to say goodbye, to make his death a good one.

I am thankful for that.

That’s not possible for most families now dealing with COVID-19.

I only wish that this were not happening to people who do not deserve such a cruel ending.

So no, I’m not so jaunty. I’m not so confident about the future.

I have reason to be, and so should you.

We’re all in this together, and perhaps while some of us might not make it, at least we will have done the best we can in circumstances that we cannot control.

Despite the odds.

Hopefully in 2 or 3 years you will see me writing on how we all survived this.

Be safe, take care and endure.

Depraved Indifference

To constitute depraved indifference, the defendant’s conduct must be ‘so wanton, so deficient in a moral sense of concern, so lacking in regard for the life or lives of others, and so blameworthy as to warrant the same criminal liability as that which the law imposes upon a person who intentionally causes a crime. Depraved indifference focuses on the risk created by the defendant’s conduct, not the injuries actually resulting.

If there were ever a mass murder charge that could be, and should be brought against Donald Trump and his administration for their conduct and behavior in the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, this is the one.

He has demonstrated time and time again that he meets all of the legal definition. To this day, after more than 60,000 people have died from it, he continues to prove that he has absolutely no moral capacity to understand or demonstrate that he is capable of doing the right thing, or saying the right thing.

April 30, 2020
During a press conference Wednesday, President Donald Trump was asked why he thinks that the coronavirus will disappear without a vaccine. His answer left many confused.
“It’s gonna go. It’s gonna leave. It’s gonna be gone,” he said.
“Why do you think without a vaccine, the virus would be gone?” asked the reporter.
“It’ll be eradicated,” he said, refusing to answer how that would happen.
Last week, Trump speculated that since disinfectants kill the virus so well that the team looks into injecting such disinfectants into people’s bodies. In the days since, there has been a spike in poisonings.

He had more than ample time and opportunity to correct himself before this.

Jan. 22, in a television interview from Davos with CNBC’s Joe Kernen.
The first American case had been announced the day before, and Kernen
asked Trump, “Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?”
The president responded: “No. Not at all. And we have it totally under
control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under
control. It’s going to be just fine.”

This was after reports had been flooding in about the expanding and overwhelming epidemic coming from Wuhan, China.

He dismissed them.

However, the one and only good move he did do early was to ban all travel from China on January 24. It was one of the few moves that demonstrated that he had been informed of the danger. It was also one the few times it was the correct one.

It was only later when he banned all travel from Europe, which was where the majority of infections were coming from.

In the months that followed, he continued to deny or downplay the threat of the pandemic, minimizing it and ignoring all warnings coming from all reliable and credible sources.

He and his administration have not only mishandled the pandemic, but have hindered aggressive testing or mitigation of the pandemic. They have denied help to the states begging for PPE, or guidance in social distancing rules.

When some of his supporters started protesting against various states ‘lock-down’ orders, he publicly called for them to do so.

He issued an executive order this past Monday ordering all meat packing and production plants to remain open, disregarding the fact that hundreds of workers have been infected with the virus.

In a move that shocks the conscience, the White House Gift Shop has begun selling ‘commemorative’ coins celebrating the pandemic.

This comes after 1 million infections have been recorded and 60,000+ people have died with more coming.

Reportedly the proceeds will be donated to hospitals. I have my personal doubts about this. Donald Trump has proven time and time again to be a greedy man, who has no compunction about ripping people off for his own pocket.

Authorities have discovered rotting corpses in un-refrigerated trailer trucks.

Hospitals have stored the bodies of the dead in refrigerated trailers. A mass grave was opened in NY’s ‘potter’s field’ for all the bodies unclaimed by relatives.

His son-in-law, Jared Kushner, publicly celebrated those deaths as a ‘success’.

A success.

Only the Angel of Death would be so self-congratulatory. Jared had been put in charge of the efforts for handling the pandemic response.

It is more than obvious that crimes have been committed, and the only place for these people and their mindset is in prison.

Donald Trump believes that he will be re-elected.

He is wrong. To be charged with committing mass murder by the charges as stated above, would be far more appropriate.

And he will lose in November-he has to be defeated by all means.

This is not a man whom we need or want in the White House-who regards a raging pandemic as being inconvenient to his re-election campaign-a sociopath. A liar and a mass murderer.

There is undoubtedly now a place in hell specially marked for him.

“The Donald J. Trump Circle of Moral Depravity”.

And he’s not the only one who will be in it. All of his followers, all of his supporters, and all of his administration deserve their places in it.

For they have all done the same crime.

It is a fitting resting place for those who would commit crimes on such a scale without remorse.

With depraved indifference.

A Lesser Hero

Definition of “Heroism” – Merriam Webster:
” Heroic conduct especially as exhibited in fulfilling a high purpose or attaining a noble end”

For some time now, everyone has been using the phrase “hero” to describe the actions of ordinary working people doing their jobs in this most terrible time.

There are those who truly are working in the most dire and horrifying conditions-doctors and nurses who battle daily against the specter of death in all aspects. They go to their jobs to fight an unknown enemy with the knowledge and fear that they themselves might succumb to this invisible and lethal enemy called COVID-19.

This is rightfully called heroism, as defined by the dictionary.

They do have the qualities of heroes. They earn all the praise and accolades for their work.

I, too, have been called a hero, but I am very uncomfortable with it when it’s applied to me and my job.

Now, before you protest that I am mistaken, you have to remember that I grew up with a real hero as a father.

He fought in WWII in many areas-having landed in Italy by parachute, having been in Operation Dragoon in Southern France, and by having fought in the Battle of the Bulge.

All of these qualify him for the title.

Mind you, he never talked about his own bravery, because he felt uncomfortable with doing that, nor did he like people doing it for him.

But it is well established. He and his company were depicted in the book “A Blood-dimmed Tide” by Gerald Astor, who wrote about not only his actions but the actions of many people during the Battle of the Bulge.

It was only when I read it myself that I found out what a real hero he was.

Although he never mentioned it to me except in the broadest outlines, he had personally guided his men behind enemy lines where they found themselves in a very dangerous situation-which led them into a firefight with Germans that resulted in his being shot during it.

He woke up in a field hospital during an operation to remove a bullet from his leg-without any painkillers.

He later received a Bronze Star for his courage. His men had survived because of his personal bravery.

That is what I call heroism.

I cannot equate what he did and what I do for a living on a comparable scale. I would never dare to, and I think he would be insulted by the comparison.

So, while others can call me a hero, I must disagree, and I know he would as well.

I do not really put myself in the line of fire. I do not really risk my life in saving people. I do not put my life in danger when going to work.

I only sell things to people to make their lives better.

I will not earn any medals, nor do I deserve to.

Because I know what a true hero is-and I am not one when compared to the man who raised me or the people who are saving lives at this very moment.

So, for all the true heroes during this time, a very grateful and sincere ‘Thank you” for all your work and dedication to it.

You have earned the title of hero.

I can only aspire to be as brave as you are.

A Heroine Speaks

Dedicated to all those who are still working in the public.

The other night, Lesley Stahl of “60 Minutes” took a few minutes to thank all the people who are still working at their jobs during this pandemic.

She praised the heroism and duty to their jobs for all of the EMT’s, doctors, nurses, health care workers, police, firefighters, pharmacists, grocery store clerks, and others who are still working for the public.

She called us heroes. She told of how we should be thanked for doing our jobs despite the harrowing odds of us contracting the virus, getting sick and possibly dying.

There is no vaccine for this.

She couldn’t imagine how we can continue to do our jobs despite them.

As one of those who are still working during this time, I can.

Because it’s my job. Because as an ‘essential worker’, I am doing my job to serve the public despite all of the headlines, horror stories and sheer fear running rampant now.

I could opt-out by quitting my job and staying home.

But by doing so, I would be in the same place everyone else is.

I would not be helping others. I would be essentially abandoning my job for my own safety.

Believe me, I would do that if ordered to..but I have not been given that option.

My employer depends on me to be there.

Yes, I do have a selfish reason, too-this job does put food on my table, and pays my bills.

But in the long term, it wouldn’t do me or you any good to be home reading Facebook and playing games all day long.

I’d be bored. Because I’ve been alone for the last 5 months, and I have been practicing social distancing long before it became mandatory.

I know what loneliness is.

It’s not easy, I know-from direct personal experience.

So I go to my job when I’m scheduled to, and do it.

I go knowing and fearing in my soul that I am exposing myself to the possibility that I might get infected with COVID-19 and that I might die.

As an elder person I am at higher risk from doing this. This is a fact that never leaves me.

I do my job anyway, practicing all the necessary habits to keep myself and others as safe as can be done under the circumstances.

The fear that I have during this time cannot be over-stated. It’s shared with millions of Americans who are also doing their jobs with the public.

We’re scared. We’re worried. We sometimes don’t want to go to work.

We go to work anyway despite the fear, the worry, the numbers of deaths still coming in.

However, we’d just like to ask the rest of you to please remember that behind the mask, the gown, the register, or the equipment that there is a person who is doing their job to help you and that we’re just as much at risk for dying from this as you are.

In fact, we’re more at risk than you are. We are acutely aware of the circumstances. We’ve lost friends, relatives, and co-workers to this disease.

We’re grieving and working with the profound knowledge that we might not survive, either.

Please stay home if you can. We’re depending on you to help us all survive this.

We’re all in it together.

“We stay at our jobs for you. You stay at home for us.”

Justice For Marissa

2 years ago, I wrote this column about the death of Marissa Kennedy, who was 10 years old when she died at the hands of her mother and stepfather following a long pattern of horrific physical abuse.

She died in agony. She died needlessly. She died without having had justice given to her.

Until yesterday.

Her mother, Sharon Kennedy, was convicted of her murder last year and sentenced yesterday to 48 years in prison. Her step-father, Julio Carrillo, had pleaded guilty to murder charges and was sentenced last year to 55 years in prison.

The state also released a report that outlined exactly how many people or agencies had repeatedly reported the abuse to the state-without having had anyone taking action to end the abuse-which resulted in her tragic death.

If we are to prevent this from happening again, we must act on all allegations of abuse for our smallest citizens, lest they also die in agony.

This must not happen again.

We must not let Marissa Kennedy to have died in vain.

Marissa did not deserve her fate.

But she has finally been given justice long overdue.

Rest in peace, Marissa. You have earned it.

Uncivil Discourse

Have you noticed that in the past few years, Americans have turned into crude savages?

“What!”, you say. “Crude savages? How dare you accuse me of being a savage!”

It’s true.

How many times have you sworn in public today?

How many people have you called today less than polite names either verbally, or mentally?

Have you thrown up the proverbial middle finger In response to some imagined or real slight to the offender today?

What name did you call your friend, neighbor or that person in the White House or Senate today?

Did you post that really offensive diatribe on Facebook or Twitter today?

It’s everywhere.

People cursing out others, calling each other names, depicting how a perceived slight they would avenge with a physical threat-and sometimes do?

I’m as guilty of this as you are. I’ve done my share of all of the above-usually in multiple instances, every day.

You read or hear about such horrible manners coming from others in public life, as well. Senators, Representatives, mayors, Oval Office occupants, TV talk show hosts, any one in the public eye.

I was (as you were) brought up to be polite to others in every personal interaction. I was taught to ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’.

Now it appears we have been infected with the more crude and rude obverse variance of it- ‘Do unto others before they would do unto you’ in every way possible.

We should be ashamed of ourselves. We aren’t, of course. We revel in our crudity.

We’re exceptional that way.

We, as Americans, have always had a really bad reputation in the world for being crude, obnoxious and frankly savages in the way we talk, write and handle ourselves. We’re seemingly proud of it, too. We prove it every day.

Now, I’m not saying that this is a new development, but it appears to have worsened in the last 3 years-concurrent with Donald Trump’s ascension to the Oval Office.

He’s the master of crude hateful, and rude behavior, and displays it with pride. On Twitter, in public, in rallies, in off-hand remarks and gestures about people he’s never met.

He’s unleashed our worst behaviors to become acceptable-to the point of physical threats, often carried out with the culmination of mass shootings.

He’s unbound us from our internal leash of self-restraint and public dignity in all of our public and private interactions.

It’s infectious and degrading.

We used to be better than this not so long ago. We used to respect one another, at least in public.

We had manners. Donald Trump undid all of that, with the flash of a twitter account that bears no resemblance to normal human behavior.

Frankly, it’s disgusting that we have fallen so far from a lofty perch that our own Founders would be ashamed of our behavior.

Perhaps for no other reason than this, we should remove him (and everyone who imitates him) out of office and public view for the sheer fact that he has made us all into hateful, spiteful and vengeful people who curse each other out at the drop of a hat, and take out our hateful, aggressive behavior with a round of automatic rifle fire into crowds at churches, synagogues, and schools.

Hate is infectious, and kindness is a loathsome disease to be avoided now.

Maybe it’s time that we start becoming better by ridding ourselves of the people who make us act worse in action and words. By exiling those who appear to give us license to be barbarians to one another into the void.

By casting out those who would unleash our darker selves into the vortex of slime they came from.

Because being kind costs nothing.

Being cruel, petty and crude costs us our souls.

By being decent human beings, perhaps we might even reclaim our national pride once again.

That would be a refreshing change, wouldn’t it?

The Lazy Americans

Right now, we’re in a constitutional crisis.

I’m not exaggerating.

We have a Oval Office occupant who defies all and any laws by stonewalling them. When his campaign outright committed crimes, he ordered his flunkies to lie for him. He’s fired people for not being ‘loyal’ to him because they would not carry out his spurious orders to break the law.

He’s suing to keep his financial records from being seen by anyone. He’s obstructed justice many times, and has succeeded in it. The Mueller Report did not exonerate him, but when the Attorney General was asked about it, William Barr said that Donald Trump has the right to do anything he wants, including stopping investigations into his actions.

The Attorney General is now defying Congress in not testifying before the House Judiciary Committee. This comes after a righteous shellacking by Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He obviously is a coward.

He was undoubtedly put into his office by Donald Trump for the sole purpose of defending Donald Trump. He’s no longer the ‘lawyer for all Americans”. He’s Donald Trump’s personal lawyer.

We’re paying for this. We’re paying for almost all of this. Donald Trump is lying, cheating and stealing in his office, and nobody in the Congress besides the Democrats seem to care.

His cronies laugh at us for protesting. They deride us as being snowflakes and wimps. Yet, they are the real cowards in this mess, because they’ve sold their souls to a conman who will sell them out as fast as he can spin around.

The Democrats are also to blame for this mess. They were part of the reason Barr was appointed. They voted for him. They believed him when he told them that he’d uphold the laws of this country.

They were fooled. They’re as complicit as Barr is criminal.

Make no mistake, these people are all implicated in this.

But there’s one other problem, as well.

There’s one group of people who have failed this country, have sold it out for a tuppence of false gold.

Who could they be?

Look in the mirror.

The American public is to blame for almost every single thing that’s going on in Washington.

We voted for these people. Repeatedly in most cases.

We held our noses and voted for corruption, treason, criminals and liars.

We did this to ourselves.

We enabled the Republicans to have a stranglehold on the Senate.

We voted to keep Mitch McConnell in office.

Lindsay Graham continues to serve because his state’s voters keep voting him in.

Donald Trump was voted into office by people who obviously don’t know better .

It’s OUR fault this is happening.

We vote them in, are surprised when they sell us out for their own personal gain, and then whine when they do it-as if we’re not part of the process.

We don’t vote for ourselves. We vote for the convenience of keeping ignorant of what we’ve done to ourselves. We don’t want to be bothered to care enough. It’s too time-consuming.

We’ve gotten very lazy. Only a small percentage of registered voters actually vote in any election. Only a small percentage turn out in voter registration drives.

We allow the Republicans to gerrymander states. To block people from voting. To keep the status quo the way they like it.

Because it’s bothersome to protest. It’s inconvenient to give a damn for anything that doesn’t come out of the TV or smart phone screen.

It imposes a duty. We Americans don’t do anything for but self-interest.

Then we are surprised when the results are in and we’re screwed again.

The Republicans know this. Donald Trump knows this. They know that no matter what they do, what laws they break, they’ll get away with it, because they know the people will let them do it without protest.

Yeah, I’m writing this to complain about this situation. I’m pissed off and despondent that this country is really, really in a very bad place right now.

This should not be happening..but it is. We’re allowing it to. Donald Trump will tweet lies and we’ll laugh at him. We’ll let it slide until the next outrage.

Seems we’re never going to be outraged enough to demand his impeachment or the removal of most of the Republican party from Congress.

When are the rest of you going to be outraged?

When your Social Security checks don’t come?

When your food stamps don’t?

When you lose your health insurance?

When you get flooded out and FEMA doesn’t help?

When your child is killed in a school shooting?

When your town is poisoned by tainted water?

When your 401K crashes in the stock market?

When you’re laid off permanently by your employer when they move their operations to another country?

Because if you’ve voted for any of these people, you’re getting exactly what you’ve voted for.

You have no more excuses.

You’re guilty.

The crime?

Failure to fulfill your obligations as an American citizen.

This is what happens when you don’t care enough to give a damn.

A government for those who are in power.

PS-It’s not us…

WTF, America?

(Trigger warning-profanity)

At this point in my life, when I thought I had seen it all from politicians, this really is my WTF moment in life.

It’s been 4 years since January 6, and right now, while people are STILL being arrested for their role in the insurrection that he personally encouraged and instigated,

Donald Trump is the assumed front runner for the Republican presidential ticket.

Even after:

being indicted for 91 counts of criminal conduct,

being found guilty of rape in a civil case ,

having been forced to repay millions of dollars to customers who bought into his “Trump University” fraud,

Even after:

having been exposed as a sexist pig in the “Hollywood Tapes”,

and many, many more instances of major or minor crimes, including instigating the above crime of insurrection, and having had a disastrous 4 year term that saw Americans get sick and die from a deadly disease during a historic pandemic,



If you are a regular reader of mine (and thanks, by the way for your support. I do appreciate it!) you know how much I absolutely LOATHE, DESPISE and DETEST Donald Trump with the fire of a thousand suns .

I’ve made my point over, and over again, in countless words and articles over the last 8 years.

I’ve made it abundantly and overwhelmingly clear that he is absolutely the most unfit person in the entire fucking universe to have been near the White House.

I am not the only one, either. Countless other pundits, far better writers than I, have all said the exact same thing.

Yet: After all he’s done to us as a nation, he’s still being supported by his followers and those corrupt, mendacious people called Republicans. Who should know better by now, but have proven to have the spines and courage of jellyfish.

This man WEARS ADULT DIAPERS. He can’t read, he can’t hold a cognitive thought in his head for more than a second and half, he is a hateful, bigoted racist sexist pig and white supremacist.

All he offers is hate and contempt.


Not once.

Certainly not twice.

And yet:

He is still running for the office, emboldened by the likes of Steven Miller (who should have been renamed Goebbels for his humanity) Steve Bannon and other assorted lounge lizards.

Can you imagine any other candidate or past president having done all Trump has and still having the audacity to run for office AGAIN?

Can you imagine FDR having had a cult that terrorizes civil servants? Can you think of any prior POTUS of boosting the Proud Boys with “Stand by and Stand back”?

We went fucking insane for even have allowed him to be POTUS the first time, but twice?

All I can really say right now is:

If you think this is funny or even normal, you have no right to be an American.

If you support this man you are as awful as he is.




Mass Shooting # 565

As I write this, there is a massive manhunt underway in towns about 40 miles away from my location for a man who walked into two public venues, shot and killed at least 16 people, and injured dozens more.

All of Central and Southern Maine are on literal lockdowns. Schools are closed, banks are not open in the vicinity of the suspect’s last known location, stores are closed and the entire situation is very reminiscent of Covid 19’s earliest and most savage time.

This is not a normal happening for Maine. We have a low crime rate and equally low homicide rate-which have as of today, been blown out of the water with this event.

It was, though, only a matter of time before it would happen in this state.

We have no red flag law in place-which could possibly have prevented this from happening. Maine does not have very strong gun laws at all:

“Maine has very few foundational gun safety laws. Despite 89% of gun deaths in the state being the result of suicide, the Pine Tree State lacks most basic laws that would help reduce suicide, including background checks for all gun sales, an Extreme Risk law, and waiting periods. Maine is also a permitless carry state, though it continues to have low gun violence relative to its weaker firearm laws, likely in part because it is protected by the strong laws of other states in the region.”

So it was almost preordained to happen.

Complacency kills.

That it involved a former shooting instructor for the Maine National Guard who, of course, was extremely proficient with assault weapons, and had been committed to a mental health facility earlier this year, is almost too surreal to contemplate.

He was pictured carrying an assault weapon during the event.

One that he undoubtedly bought from the gun stores in this state:

Rank State Gun stores per 100,000 people
13 Maine 35.4
But you know what will happen after this event is over?


There will be, of course, calls for more laws, more checks on gun ownership and sales, the usual hue and cry of the people who think “it’s too soon” to talk about such things..and everyone but their families will forget the victims in due course and the terror that follows such things.

We will go back to selling guns to people with mental illness who should not have any access to guns, and the guns will be semi-automatic assault weapons because…

“Freedom is not free!”

Unless, of course, you’re already dead.

And yes, the Onion will have this same headline as it has for the previous mass shootings:

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

If only there was a way…

Jack Smith V. Donald Trump

Now before I opine on this subject, I will admit to several things.

First, I have gained a lot of legal knowledge with respect to the United States federal prosecution section of the Department of Justice.

A long time ago, someone in my family was prosecuted by the government on a federal charge-it matters not what it was, because in time, the issue became dated, and succeeding laws pertaining to that particular crime were passed. It was a serious offense, and the person accused was not guilty by reason of trusting the government too much.

It matters not any more because the person is dead, and there is really no reason to breathe life into a very dead case. It’s over.

Except at the time it was a controversial subject, broke some new ground constitutionally and then was superseded by new laws about it.

It was in the news for a while.

It wasn’t a fun thing, either.

I went through 7 years of this case, along with the person concerned.

I wasn’t the one who was incarcerated briefly, but while the other person was in legal trouble, I had to literally learn a whole hell of a lot about federal prosecutions, court systems, PACER and dozens of other semi-important things about the subject that I have never really forgotten. I learned how to read case decisions. They’re just as dull and boring as you can ever imagine.

Most people have never done this, and believe me, it’s not fun at all.

We eventually won a muted decision, but the battle was not worth it. Really.

I went through the whole damn nine yards, and let me tell you one very important thing:

The government plays to win, and they do.

They’ll lie, cheat and throw stuff at you that you had never heard of but you cannot fight them forever.

And that’s what I’m going to tell you now:

Donald Trump, for all of his money, bravado, supporters, lawyers, and naivete, will lose all of his cases against the US government.

That’s a guarantee. Absolutely.

He doesn’t have enough money, lawyers or supporters to fight the government forever.

As it is, the PAC that has been paying for his legal fees has paid out 40 million dollars so far.

The United States Department of Justice’s yearly budget is 40 BILLION dollars.

Jack Smith has all the money, lawyers, staff, laws, courts and support of the government to indict, and convict Donald Trump.

He has all the ammunition he needs to put Donald Trump behind bars and he will.

Because, as I and so many, many other people who have been through this process can tell you:

The government wins 98% of the cases they prosecute and they never bring a case they can’t win.

And now you know why Donald Trump is sounds so scared and panicked in his posts on Truth Social.

He’s a gone goose and nobody can stop this.

Donald Trump is done. The best he can hope for is one juror who votes to acquit him, and you know, most lawyers don’t like to bet on juries.

They’re just too unpredictable.

And so Donald Trump can bluster, lie, and threaten, but

He can’t win.