Not Accepting the Unacceptable

by fmhilton

The other day while I was on Twitter, someone posted this on my time line:

To all the #notmypresident clowns. Your identification with this movement is an insult to the democratic system that the western world fights so hard for. You don’t have to like him but you MUST accept him as by not doing so you’re condoning non democratic systems. Shame on you.”

3:58 AM – 28 May 2018 “

To say I was astonished is an understatement. I was not only astonished, I was insulted beyond belief that anyone would even dare say such a thing to any American who happens to protest against Donald Trump and his misbegotten election.

The United States was borne of a revolution against an unjust ruler and system. We fought a Revolution to free ourselves from it. Our founders wrote documents to state our rights to fight against tyranny, to have certain ‘inalienable rights’ and to pursue our lives as we see fit.

They did not intend for us to cower before people such as the writer of that tweet. They did not intend for anyone to dictate what we should or should not believe in, fight against or protest for.

We don’t have to accept a person that becomes President just because they were elected. To do so is to throw out all of our freedoms out the door. Many, many times there have been occupants of the Oval Office who have not been accepted by a majority of the people. They were elected, not ordained by God.

Abraham Lincoln comes to mind when I write this. He was held in absolute and utter contempt by an entire region of the United States, and he fought to retain that region in the country by plea and law. When all attempts to do so failed, he was forced to declare war on them for their failure to accept that their culture based on slavery was not morally right or lawful.

Millions of people in the South died for their beliefs, even when in the end, they were defeated by destruction of a society that was based on the debasement and slavery of a people merely for the color of their skin.

Yet Lincoln was right to do this. We’re still fighting about the color of one’s skin daily-we have racists and racism coming back with a pronounced stamp emboldened and encouraged by Donald Trump. We are fighting the same fight over and over again.

But this time, it’s about a man who would throw our country back to a time when people were enslaved by others for the color of their skin, lynched and killed for attempting to better themselves. To completely dismantle all societal advances back to before Lincoln’s time.

Donald Trump is a utter disgrace to this country and we should fight him and his mentality. He is not by any means a moral or just man. He is not a god, and he is not even close to being a acceptable human being.

This is what freedom and democracy truly means: to fight the unjust and unacceptable with whatever means possible, be it with words, or arms.

And we’ll keep on doing so with every single breath, word and tweet.


We can do no less.
